
Author's Name: pandoralacey

Story Title: Trapped

Characters: Hyuna, Eunjung, Exo

Story Pairing: None yet

Genre: Friendship, Suspense, Mystery, Horror, Romance

Story Description: It was the day that I came to know the pungent smell of blood, varied colors of human flesh, and the morbid of death. We were trapped inside the bus; the corpses on both sides of me took my breath away. Memories of the past flooded inside my brain as I lay there inanimately, hopelessly, prayed that everything would end quickly so I wouldn't be in pain anymore. When I was about to close my eyes and surrendered to the tragic fate, she reached for my hand and told me, “We’ll survive this together.” 

Forty-four people were killed in the country's deadliest road accident. Six survivors – and I was one of them.

Message To Readers: Greetings everyone :) This is a story about a heartfelt friendships developed after a tragic accident by two strangers (Hyuna, Eunjung) with completely different background & personality; the themes are suspense, mystery, horror and there would be heart-breaking romance in it. It'll be a great help if you're willing to spare time and put some comments on it. 


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