Application For Yubi Entertainment



Park Yong Hee






〈 dicreare 〉〈 16 〉〈 both〉


AFF Username  MidnightNightingale

Activeness  8

Full name → Shin Jae Hee


Birthday  21 February, 1998


Height and Weight → 156 cm 54 kg


Country → Philippines


Languages  English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese


Personality keywords: Intimidating, Cold, Sarcastic, Prankster, Hot-headed, No Sense of Direction, Boyish, Fashionista, Reckless, Rebel


Biases → EXO's LuHan, Kai, Kris / B.A.P.'s DaeHyun / SNSD's Yuri, TaeYeon / SHINee's TaeMin


Ideal Type → Someone like BtoB's Minhyuk or BTS' Jin 

Motto → Listen to the voice that will take you away from the harsh reality.




Group position wanted  Lead Vocalist, Rapper


Specialty  Writing, Photography


Fanclub Name → DaeMons


Fanclub Color RedBlack


Faceclaim Park Yong Hee


Group preference → Four or more members, upbeat songs, but I'm okay with anyhting as long as I can do it. 






• Illa Illa — JUNIEL  Link


• Gone  JIN  Link 


• Soundcloud Account (Dicreare)



Questions and Comments → How long does a trainee have to wait befor being able to debut? And I recommend TTS'- Twinkle Twinkle ;) 






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