ramble, rumble /about my life/

hello hello v u v 

I'm putting up this blog since... I'm feeling a tad lonely at 3:18am /as I am writing/ suffering from jet lag. 

I'll start off by saying I miss Korea.

Even through those long flights, where your legs are cramped and you can't sleep, I miss it. 

I will be going back next summer but I can't help but feeling sad about it, when we got back before cooking ramen cause we were desperately hungry, i cried. 

I will tell you I am Korean and though i do understand, read and speak most of the language, I can't really write it.  

While the rest of my family sleeps, I wait till the morning /wait its already 3 though/ 


I'm hungry but theres nothing in the fridge. 

and no, i'm not going to cook ramen. 



/thanks for putting up with my mopey-ness/

until next time, 나영   


edit: if you wanna talk dont hesitate ♥️



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babymichiie #1
Oh? Please don't be lonely! Do talk to someone.. and get more rest yaa! :)