please help me

I dont know if i should do this. I never write a blog before. Please i need some opinion about this..

Should i died?

Can i just commited suicide?

Sometimes, i just hate my life.


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Don't do that. As rough as it may be, things will get better with time. Please don't despair! Your life is worth more than the pain you are enduring now. Hang in there!
Red_lantern #2
No, you don't. Things are gonna be alright.
No. Commiting suicide is never a good option! Dont do it. Life isnt easy and for some people its really hard but thats no excuse to just make yourself die. Show it to the world that u can survive in this ty place and have confidence. But i would advise you to really not do it. Think about the people, even if not much, that will end up losing you.