Just Some Updates On Things

Right now I do have a lot of stories going on sort of and I haven't updated in a while so I'd like to explain why. In about May my mom was diagnosed with cancer at stage 0 luckily so in June they had surgery to remove it. We thought it was okay but it turned out they neede I remove her whole because their was more to remove than they calculated so last week Thursday my mom surgery. Leading up to this I was preparing things and working a lot for my mom's business so there wouldn't be much to worry about after the surergy. Since my parents divorced and my older sister is in Minnesota I am the only person at home to take care of my mom and do all the house work along to fit in time for my studying and practicing music while also working for my mom more. I felt like my readers deserved an explanation for why I was very slow at updating and this is it. Also my family members from China are coming to visit for about three weeks and they arrive in about two so I have also been preparing that so I have a lot on my plate and I apologize for not updating. Thank you all for understanding ^^


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Aww I'm so sorry for you. Hopefully everything work out! *Burst into tears* I love you! You are my pride and joy! You are the reason come to AFF every single freakin day! You are my soul! You are the reason why Earth is still standing! You are an inspiration! You go Glen Coco! You go!