Trailer Giveaway!

Entwined Sacrifice
by yurahmi
Starring: Irina (OC), Kim Jaejoong, Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun, others
Genre/s: Angst, Romance, Reallife


The fact that the trailer itself told me a lot of the story itself made me more determined to join the contest, since I pretty much wanted a trailer like that right then and there. I got interested in the trailer that I even read the story, and they were both wholely awesome. The plot-line had a really deep meaning behind it, and it's exactly my type of story, especially since it's of angst. 

For the trailer in general, well it was simply awesome. The cutting was great, and even though it was a bit lengthy, I didn't mind. The song suited the story, and the cuts were great. It made a great first impression for your story. It's simple a job well done! :D


If you're curious about the trailer, click here.
Here's a link to her story as well. Click here.



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It amazing, hun! ;;
Hello dear! Thank you soo much for the amazing post and description!! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it and it has motivated you to continue reading the story~ I absolutely love your feedback ♡ Thank you for the support and Good luck >o< - Yurah xx