❦ ⎾REVELATION⎦ ❦ -- Moon Jaehyun

moon jaehyun
300 x 450

applicant. -yeppeunyeoja
active rate [1-10]. 7/10
nickname. melo

full name. Moon jaehyun
   [ HYUN OPPA ] All the women around him younger than him or older, calls him oppa because of his flower boy appearance and manly voice. 
birthdate + age. .FEBRUARY 14, 1993 + 20
birth place. seoul, korea
ethnicity. KOREAN-british
   [ korean ] Fluent
   english ] FLUENT

face claim: Park kiho
backup face claim: Oh jungkyu
- Nature 
character history

       Moon Jaehyun was born in a middle-class family in Seoul, Korea. His father was British and her mom was Korean. Jaehyun was just an accidental baby, his father and mother had a one night stand and his father doesn’t acknowledge Jaehyun as his son. Jaehyun’s father is a scientist, and he’s discovering can a human be immortal or have a superpower. When Jaehyun reached 5, his father experimented him. That’s when Jaehyun got his telekinesis power. His father didn’t saw signs from Jaehyun having a power so he left him saying that Jaehyun is a useless kid. His power doesn’t show when he was still young because his body is not yet mature. His father left and married another woman. Her mom, Moon Eunmi, works as a waitress in the morning and works as a dry cleaner at night. Sometimes Jaehyun works part-time at the cafe where his mother is working in weekends before. It was enough to make a living for both of them. His mother adopted a young girl, and was named Moon Jaemi. His mother can't bear a child anymore but she wanted to have a daughter to take care of Jaehyun and her soon when they're old. Jaehyun grew closer with his younger sister and took good care with her. Even though he was a working student, Jaehyun still maintained his high grades and gained a lot of friends. He's now working as an english tutor.

       Jaehyun discovered his power when he was playing basketball with his friends. He was lucky his friends were too dumb to realize that Jaehyun made the ball shoot in the ring without holding it. He was having a game a game with his friends and his crush, Do Kyungsoo, was watching and Jaehyun wanted to impress him by making a lot of points and winning the game. At that time, Jaehyun was mad because Kyungsoo left with Chanyeol, or let's say Chanyeol forced Kyungsoo to leave with him. Jaehyun was shooting his free-throw when he's interupted with his friends saying that Kyungsoo was leaving, Jaehyun missed the shot, he's giving up because he iss tired and Kyungsoo left made him powerless, so he stared at the ball on the ground and raised his hand, surprisingly the ball just followed his hand movements and flew itself to the ring.

       Jaehyun was surprised but at the same time he felt lucky. Having a special power, Jaehyun used his power to help his mother at the cafe and at their dry cleaning shop. When his mom discovered that Jaehyun is being a little weird, for working the whole day at the shop and getting not tired at all, he caught Jaehyun and she fainted. As soon as she woke up, Jaehyun explained everthing to her and to his younger sister. Jaehyun never used his power outdoors, scared to be called cursed or something. One fine day, Jaehyun was walking rather stalking Kyungsoo in the park when the invasion happened. Everyone panicked even Jaehyun when they say unusual aircrafts or something that landing everywhere. The first thing that entered Jaehyun's mind was to chase Kyungsoo and save him. When Jaehyun saw Kyungsoo being chased by the invader, Jaehyun didn't think twice to use his power even though he's aware that Kyungsoo would see him being a monster. 

MOTHER | Moon Eunmi | 45 | caring, hard-working, supportive, stubborn
YOUNGER SISTER | Moon Jaemi | 10 | playful, sweet, modest, kind  
BEST FRIEND | Jackson Wang | 19 | blunt, audacious, crazy, unpredictable | Jackson the troublemaker. Jackson influences Jaehyun to do bad stuffs, called as the blacksheep in their group of friends. He's a prankster and a good food stealer. He likes hitting to girls that clings to Jaehyun. Jaehyun and Jackson acts like the gay couple, Jackson being the pretty girl. Jackson and Jaehyun just love messing around and playing basketball.
BEST FRIEND | Mark Tuan | 21 | calm, supportive, laid-back, quiet | Mark is the only one, in his group of friends, who knew his power. Mark may be a quiet person but he's good in giving advices and he's understanding. Usually if Jaehyun have a problem he would go to Mark. They're really close to each other.
BEST FRIEND | Kim Yugyeom | 19 | shy, easily manipulated, optimistic, kind | Yugyeom is the youngest in Jaehyun's group of friends. He's the most innocent and the target of all the pranks. He's a crybaby and he love to cling to Jaehyun as his loving hyung. Yugyeom 
FRIEND | Son Naeun | 18 | sweet, kind, clingy, bubbly | Jaehyun treats Naeun as his younger sister. Naeun would go to Jaehyun if she needs help and later on Naeun would develop a crush on Jaehyun. Naeun is fine with Jaehyun's skinship with her, people around them thinks that they're in relationship or something, this would make Kyungsoo jealous.

character personality


Positive - modest, affectionate, affable, loyal, genuine, strong

Negative -  agressive, unpredicatble, harsh, stubborn, possessive

Jaehyun is the flower boy next door who gets all the ladies in the yard. His natural cuteness and kind personality makes all him more irresistable. He's affable, a person who you can feel comfortable with. He is a good communicating with other people and has a good sense of humor. When he's on the shift in the cafe, usually many girls, young or old, orders coffee just to talk to him. Jaehyun being a modest guy, he talks kindly to them and assists them. He's kind and rather being so helpful. When he sees old people carrying something heavy he would help them. Jaehyun doesn't think twice when it comes to helping others and making them smile. Even though sometimes girls abuse him for acting like getting hurt, Jaehyun would still help them therefore being naive at times. Jaehyun is really innocent when it comes to girls, though let's say girls usually cling to her everyday. Jaehyun never had dated before and he never planned to date someone. He's sometimes shy when talking to girls or someone he likes.

He's genuine, all his actions are genuine. Jaehyun hates lying to himself like smiling when he's sad or mad. Having a power, Jaehyun never bragged it. He's a modest guy who is contented with things he have and being grateful. He's affectionate and sweet. He is the guy all the girls wanted to have. He knows how to treat woman or people well, a real gentleman. Ironically, Jaehyun love skinship in both genders. Once he became comfortable to you, be ready to be backhugged or clinged for the whole day. Though he loves skinship, his lips were reserved to the person he really love. He is selfless and would do everything for love, that makes him dumb for someone's love.

Jaehyun is the person who you didn't like to mess with, because behind those flower boy appearance is an aggressive beast. He becames a different person when he's mad. Before, he had anger management issues, being moody and sh-t, but now he improved. He has a rule to hold back three times and to kill the person after (lol kidding). He doesn't get mad easily but once you hurt the people who is special to him that's when sh-t just got real. He's known to be unpredictable when he's mad, imagine him aiming a car at you for stealing his Kyungsoo, just no. He's out of his mind when he's mad, he would do everything his mind tells him and no one can stop him. Jaehyun doesn't listen to anyone when he's mind, it's always "me, me, me". He ignores everyone's opinions because he think that he is always right. He's harsh and didn't care for others. All he wants is revenge or to let his anger out.

love interest
love interest. Do KYUNGSOO
back up. Another girl applicant
age. 18
relationship. CRUSHING
picture links:

PERSONALITY. First impression suggests that Kyungsoo is an angelic guy who can be a little snobby at times. Kyungsoo had only a group of friends who he hangs out with, and he would never be seen without them. People want to befriend him but because of his snob aura, people just look to him from afar. The truth is Kyungsoo is really shy to people he doesn't know and tends to not speak at all. Kyungsoo is a guy with a few words, people may find this rude but it's natural with Kyungsoo. You can only hear him say 'yes' or 'no' when you ask him or nod. Kyungsoo is secretive and knows how to hide his feelings well. He's like the modern Elsa, conceal don't feel don't let them know. Kyungsoo doesn't get mad easily he's usually bottling up his feelings until he explode. He's sensitive and a cry baby. He gets scared easily, surprised easily and gets upset easily. In other words, he's weak and vulnerable and his adorableness makes you want to take care of him or to keep him inside your pocket. 

MEETING. Kyungsoo and Jaehyun attended the same high school. Kyungsoo was in 1st grade and Jaehyun was in his third grade. Kyungsoo was one of the popular students in their school, he was popular in both genders. Jaehyun met Kyungsoo in the school quadrangle, he was with his group of friends and Jaehyun was finding his friends. Jaehyun was captured by his heart-shaped smile and adorably-large eyes. It was the first time Jaehyun saw a human who resembles a puppy who has a child-like smile. Their official meeting was in the school's library. Jaehyun was scanning the books until he found the book he's finding and as soon he tugged the book, Kyungsoo was seen on the other side of the shelf. Kyungsoo ignored Jaehyun, but Jaehyun is determined to introduce himself to him so he followed where Kyungsoo is sitting and sat beside him. Before talking, Jaehyun waited atleast 10 minutes to be not that obvious. Kyungsoo's ballpen fell and Jaehyun picked it for him, and that was the time Jaehyun introduced himself to Kyungsoo. Jaehyun felt weird for chasing Kyungsoo as time goes by, he felt that Kyungsoo have this magnet inside him that pulls Jaehyun to him.  

layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes





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