
Feel free to steal! Stolen from: CLonenumber97

If you get more than 30, I recommend some counseling.

If you get more than 20, you're paranoid.

If you get 11-20, you are normal.

If you get 10 or less, you're fearless.

I fear........

[ ] Black People 

[x] The dark

[x] Staying single forever 

[ ] Being a parent

[x] Being in front of others (when presenting things, or public speaking)

[ ] Open spaces

[x] Closed spaces

[x] Heights

[ ] Dogs

[ ] Birds

[ ] Fish

[ ] Cats

[x] Spiders

[ ] Flowers or other plants

[x] Fire

[x] Deep water 

[x] Snakes 

[ ] Silk

[x] Ocean 

[ ] Failure 

[x] Thunder/lightning 

[ ] Frogs/toads 

[ ] My boyfriend's/girlfriend's dad

[ ] My boyfriend's/girlfriend's mom

[x] Rats

[x] Jumping from high places

[ ] Rain

[ ] Wind 

[x] Crossing hang bridges 

[x] Death 

[x] Being robbed/mugged

[x] Falling (from high places)

[x] Clowns 

[x] Dolls

[x] Large crowds of people

[ ] Men

[ ] Women

[ ] Having great responsibilities 

[ ] Doctors

[ ] Dentists

[x] Tornadoes

[x] Hurricanes 

[x] Incurable diseases 

[x] Sharks

[ ] Friday The 13th

[x] Ghosts

[ ] Poverty 

[ ] Halloween

[ ] School

[ ] Trains

[ ] Odd numbers 

[ ] Even numbers

[ ] Being alone 

[x] Becoming blind

[x] Becoming deaf

[ ] Growing up, become old 

[x] Creepy noises in the night

[x] Not accomplished my dreams/goals 

[x] Needles

[x] Blood

Total: 31..

Counseling, here I come!


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