❖ moon ae jin


nickname — brooke

activity rate — 8/10


name — Moon Ae Jin

nickname — Yángguāng; meaning 'sunshine' in Chinese. Ae Jin's close friends call her this teasingly because of the excessive way her brother uses it.

birthdate & AGE — 12/01/1998 & 16

birthplace — Dali, Yunnan, China

hometown — Jinhae-gu, South Korea

ethnicity — Chinese-Korean

language — Korean; extremely fluent
Chinese; fluent

i think i'm ugly and nobody wants to love me

face claim — Kim Da Hyun

gallery — here

backup face claim — Kim Seul Mi

gallery — here


appearance — Ae Jin has a birthmark on her left elbow that falls in an abstract shape.

fashion style — Ae Jin wears her uniform to regulation, though it might now always be the neatest. (She can't help herself for forgetting every so often to iron out the wrinkles - and besides it doesn't look that bad if she does happen to forget thank you.) She usually wears her favorite pair of worn, black flats wherever she's going. Her style outside of her uniform is pretty modern. She's in love with Korean street fashion and wears her bright pop-cultured shirts and shorts whenever she gets the chance.
Links — 
s p r i n g: one two three

s u m m e r: one two three
a u t u m n: one two three
w i n t e r: one two three
formal: x
sleep wear: x
shoes: x

Wow, fantastic baby

traits — 
(+) perceptive | considerate | angelic | intelligent

(-) meek | reserved | mousy | coarse | dependent | emotionless

personality — 

Ae Jin, the shy young girl who doesn't say much with the pretty face that every guy dreams about. She attracts a lot of attention from her looks but only chooses to associate with a select handful of students. She does a good job of keeping up her appearence as the quiet popular girl, Ae Jin hardly ever talks instead just observing the group that she hangs around and people's reactions to them. She has a lot of thoughts bottled up but doesn't really share them. She's so quiet most people only care for her face instead of her thoughts. This has led her to ignore everyone expect for a few choice people, because of that she comes off as very bratty and rude. Her charm still makes people want to approach her even though she hates the intial awkwardness of introductions.

If a younger classmate needs help she's quick to offer herself for support. Ae Jin is a girl of few words but will always be there to comfort someone if they need it. She's the angel of the 'elite' at Myunjin. She's very smart and is always asking her younger peers if they need help studying. She's always been more of a book person than a people person, when she's along Ae Jin is almost always in the library. As said before, she's very observant and easily knows almost every secret about her other students. Ae Jin is always on top of school gossip even if she hardly talks about it herself.
Ae Jin can get easily intimidated by people and will easily cry if someone is rough to her. She doesn't really like meeting new people and if someone's too invading she'll easily break into tears. She's much like a shy young kid who grips onto their mother. On the other hand, hurt one of her friends and she gets excessively violent and harsh. She isn't afraid to bring up very sensitive topics when she's frustrated. It takes a while for Ae Jin to calm down after someone has angered her, because of this she usually does her best to hold in her vexation. She usually reserves herself from her emotions and can seem stoic at times, especially to those her talk to her a lot. She's very dependent on people that she's very close to. Ae Jin is usually always hanging onto people's arms, hanging on to the back of their shirts and so on. She's a mousy girl with a bit of a temper.


background — Ae Jin has always been a fairly reserved girl. She would constantly cling to her older brother, Junghee, never really making any friends outside of him. Junghee was too much of a sweetheart to push his little sister away and they stayed connected from hip to hip for most of her childhood. Her mother and father owned a cafe and Ae Jin would spend most of her time there, helping her mother make drinks and pastries while her father and brother would tend to the customers. She was born to a wizard mother and a muggle father, when signs of Junghee's magic started to show up no one was surprised.

Ae Jin managed to survive the two years the Junghee was away at Myunjin, though it was hard. She was forced to make a friend outside of her family, studied a lot more, and learned a lot of new things from those two independent years. When she was accepted into Myunjin herself she was completely thrilled. This of course allowed her to become close with her brother again, they though were slightly distanced now. Throughout her early school years she constantly followed him around and earned a place in his group of friends but kept to herself unlike when they were kids. She excelled at almost all of her subjects but never had much social interaction.

likes — warm drinks, thick novels about magical creatures, snowy days, alternative music

dislikes — crowds of people, clowns, being on a stage/in front of an audience, sour foods, dark places

hobbies — plays the guitar when she's alone in the dorm, studies constantly, hanging around her group of friends

habits — purses her lips when she has something to say, always clings onto people as she walks, taps her fingers when she's flustered

trivias —  writes weekly letters to her best friend while at myunjin, can make one hell of a cup of coffee, knows how to make a lot of western food, her first sign of being magical was when she made a book fly into her teacher's face

let's start talking

HOUSE — House of Lee

YEAR — 5th Year


STRENGTHS — spells: aquamenti, confundo, episkey, geminio | classes: potions, muggle studies | other: transfiguration

WEAKNESSES — spells: reparo, protego, incendio | classes: n/a | other: care of magical creatures

CLUBS & Teams — potions club

give love

family — 

— Father | Moon Chan Young | 46 | Cafe Owner (Muggle) | 6

— Mother | Moon Fen | 42 | Cafe Owner (Wizard) | 7
— Brother | Moon Jung Hee | 18 | Myunjin Student; 7th year | 9

it's a red light

BEST friends —

— Ryu Junso | Best Friend | Junso and Ae Jin met through Ae Jin's older brother, Junghee. Jung Hee and Junso are best friends as well. | 10

— Kim Jae Hwa | Great Friends | Jae Hwa was a frequent customer in the Moon family's cafe. Ae Jin and Jae Hwa hit it off whilst Ae Jin was dealing with Jae Hwa's order. | 8


— Park Chanyeol | Friends | Met through Junghee, a part of the popular gang at Myunjin | 4
— Lee Da Som | Friends | Met through Junghee, a part of the popular gang at Myunjin | 3

my heart races, i'm telling you

love interest — Ryu Junso (oc //fc: park jiho)

backup love interest — Gong Chan Sik (B1A4)

age — 17
house — Choi
Year — 6th Year


personality — Junso is egocentric and rude. He takes all the compliments and pros of being popular and fills his head with it. Junso takes the title 'king of the school' with great pride. He's charismatic and suave, all the guys want to be him and all of the girls want to be with him. He's a bit rough around the edges and isn't afraid to throw a few punches to his peers every once in a while. Junso's calmed his personality a bit, he becomes more tame when Junghee and Ae Jin are around. To everyone around the school he's a legend, one of the strongest members on the Choi quidditch team. (He's probably the best keeper that Myunjin has seen in years.) He just has one major flaw. He gets completely helpless when he sees cute things. He turns into a complete softie, Junso has a big sweet spot for all of the magical creatures on Myunjin's grounds. He's a giant goofball when he's around his friends, always trying to make them laugh and playing around with them. He can be a jerk to the rest of the school's population though. He'd do just about anything for his friends. Junso is different, that's for sure, as long as you're on his good side he acts like a complete idol. He doesn't interact well with people in other houses or that aren't a usual part of the school's gossip.

relationship — Junso has the biggest weakness for cute things and one thing for certain is the Ae Jin is stunningly adorable. He'll do anything for her, he already walks her to all of her classes, eats lunch with her. She could ask him to jump into the school's coy pond and he'd do it without any objection. Ae Jin is completely oblivious to the fact that Junso is in love with her but she up all the attention. She's always latching onto Junso, hiding her face in his back when she gets tired. Junso's personal space is really the only one she'll enter. Even though she doesn't realize it Ae Jin is completely head over heels for the .

how they met — Junso and Ae Jin had seen each other for all of their school life but never really talked to each other for Ae Jin's first four years of going to Myunjin. To be fair, she didn't really talk to anyone except for her brother. Junghee did his best to push Junso and Ae Jin together during fourth year, Ae Jin's older brother didn't want to be the only connection that she had. Eventually, Junghee just stopped trying with the two. He started to ignore Ae Jin completely. For most of her fourth year Ae Jin had no one.
After being considerably teased one afternoon, Ae Jin finally broke into sobs in the middle of one of the school's hallways. The bullies had long left her by the time Junso had arrived to the young girl's aid, being the only one to comfort her. They were inseperable ever since, Junso beating anyone who so much laughed in Ae Jin's direction from then on out.

it ain't over 'til it's over

comments/suggestions — this seems like such a good idea! i love it so much, if ae jin needs any editing or you just don't like her i would be more than glad to change her so don't worry one bit. i don't mind changing junso at all so if you have any complaints just let me know

scene requests
Ae Jin managing to make a friend during one of Junso's quidditch practices and gushing about them to Junso as much as she can.
Maybe Ae Jin punching someone in the face.


turn in — back to the story


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