Christmas made my day, at the same time didn't

I spent my christmas day and night with my family. That would be my parents and older brother. We had a family night where we ate together, watched "Sorcerer and The White Snake" and gave gifts.

Honestly, I wasn't able to buy gifts for my parents. But they gave us something. I'm happy we finally have a laptop. But I'm still not used to it, not having a "mouse". The mouse for the laptop is still being delivered. It;s also kinda hard editing without a mouse so yeah, that's it.

Hmmm, just sharing. So, how about you guys? How's christmas holiday?


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Hahaha I forced my dad to get a wireless mouse when I got my lappy cause it's just so much more convenient :)
I spent Christmas with my church friends and my two guy-friends kept hitting on me LOL or at least I think they were LOL
Merry Christmas!!!! :)
My Christmas was alright, I was woken up at 5:50AM to open my presents. o.O
Yeah I find it hard to edit without a mouse do I don't edit on the laptop unless it's the very basic editing.
