Fallen From Grace Application :)

-Self Info-

AFF Profile Link:  http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/44281

AFF Username: xlilxsreyxrie

NickName: Annie

Active: 8


-character info-

Name: Ahn YunHae

Nicknames: Yunnie

Height: 157.48 cm

Weight: 44.8 kg

Age: International: 20| Korean: 21

Birthday: November 23, 1990

BirthPlace: Toronto, Canada

HomeTown: Samut Prakan, Thailand

Nationality: Half Thai, Half Canadian

Languages: Korean and Thai


  • Dancing until she feels like passing out when she's mad
  • Hides her face, when she laughs
  • Talks to her stuffed panda about all her problems


  • Coca Cola
  • Pandas
  • Winter
  • Watermelons
  • Lollipops
  • Music
  • Babies


  • Thunder Storms
  • Insects
  • Being Yelled At
  • Crowded Areas
  • Dirt..



  • She always sleeps with her stuffed panda
  • She'll start crying, when someone yells at her.
  • She hates being out in the sun for a long period of time.
  • She wears contacts.
  • Her favorie color is Lavender or baby Blue
  • She does some aegyos from time to time..
  • She's not a big fan of High Heels..


Ulzzang: Seo Hye Ji| Hwang Ji Min



  • http://weheartit.com/entry/14770351
  • http://weheartit.com/entry/13161644
  • http://weheartit.com/entry/14746533
  • http://weheartit.com/entry/13232761
  • http://weheartit.com/entry/14724669
  • http://weheartit.com/entry/13293594



        YunHae lived a pretty normal life, except for her parents forcing her to do well in her studies. But she found it normal because

after all..She does have asian parents...Which makes her have to try her hardest to please them..Yunhae graduated High School

earlier then her class mates in Thailand, and she is now going to a university in Korea..



    YunHae is really quiet, and doesn't talk much. She's calm, and minds her own business. She hates it when people start crap with her for no apparent reason. She secretly cares for the people around her, and is really protective. Even though she may seem quiet and innocent, once someone does something to hurt her friends, and family then she will turn into a whole different person. If her friends and family were hurt badly, than she isn't afraid to go hunt down that person and make them suffer. She also doesn't get along with people who are conceited about themselves. She doesn't care what people think of her, and she likes to state her own opinions.

    Yunhae is really an atheletic person...She would rather be at the sidelines cheering for you.

 Besides her innocent and quiet personality, Yunhae also has the small erted/ weird personality...She is always daydreaming about unrealistic things. She thinks thather handsome prince will arrive soon. Sometimes She'll randomly start laughing when there is an awkward moment.. When she's bored she'll start telling her friends lame pick-up lines.

     But one thing is for sure...NEVER! EVER! EVER! Give YunHae Coca Cola or Lollipops...Because once she gets either of those things she'll turn really hyper.. She'll also keep wanting more and more and more...She start dancing and singing, and throwing things on the floor then she'll start laughing.....but after awhile..she'll start crying for no reason...


Persona: The Mischiveous Angel >:]


Ahn Sunhi| Mother| Age: 45| Cares about Yunhae's health and studies..| Sunhi gets along with her daughter reall well..They treat each other like BFF's|

Ahn JongHae| Father| Age: 46| Only cares about Yunhae's Studies, wants the best of the best for his daughter...Approaches everyone with a cold atittude| Always arguing with YunHae, He wants her to become a professional well-known doctor.....Expects alot from Yunhae|


Personal Fanclub Name&Color:

Fan Club name: Silent Stars

Fan Names: Ninjas

Color: Black and Yellow

Best Friends: Hwang Tiffany (SNSD) and Yoobin (Wonder Girls)


Big Bang Crush:

1. G-DRAGON <3

2. taeyang...


Password: DaesungisCUTE


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I like your application :)
I'm going to consider you, okie?^^