character name

kaouthai, bunny

( "lil flower" ) used by her dad because bunny is his only daughter and prettier than any flower
( "bun" ) general. a lot of people call her this, most notably her mom.
( "bun-bun" ) used by akihiko, rarely because bunny sometimes forces him to call her it, refusing to respond to anything but "bun-bun" from him.


bunny has zero experience with contests (minus all those otome contest simulators she plays) but she studied what she feels is everything she needed to know about contests, even carefully analyzing contest champions and their techniques.

battle style

bunny is so very very aggressive and passionate in battle that it's not even funny. she is sure that all of her pokemon know powerful moves. bunny gambles while battling a lot, especially against trainers and pokemon much stronger than her.  but bunny believes in her pokemon as well, and is always shouting words of encouragement at them. if they have a status inflicted she'll gently coo to them about how great they are and encourage them to overcome their status ailment (she swears it works). bunny's tactic is hit them fast, hit them hard and she is much less graceful on an actual battlefield compared to a contest hall.

are any of your pokemon able to mega evolve?


keystone and megastone


partner pokemon



peachii is very stuck up, very high and mighty, and very very very stubborn. she has a short temper and usually acts on her own. peachii is very haughty and arrogant, and loves showing off her beauty and skills. but deep deep down, she's not as bad as she seems (at least bunny hopes so).  


*peachii was a gift from bunny's father while he was traveling. he caught a petilil and trained it so it would be able to protect bunny when she started her very own pokemon adventure. peachii grew attached to him, he raised her and trained her and loved her! but he told peachii that he would not be her trainer forever, and that he was giving her away, and that really scared peachii. she figured evolving would make him keep her, so she rummaged through his bag and found a sun stone, and used it to evolve into a lilligant. but peachii's effort were futile, and on bunny's 15th birthday, she recieved the best gift ever: her very own pokemon.

 ⇒ use sun stone ⇒ lilligant

*peachii essentially hates bunny. she ignores her trainer's commands, especially in battle, because peachii doesn't acknowledge bunny as her trainer. bunny's dad is her trainer, not some prissy teenage girl!! the two begin bonding through contests, both wanting to show off their skill and beauty. but as she finds herself thinking more positively of bunny, she feels embarrassed and doesn't know what to do, so she becomes more belligerent and egotistical than normal. she isolates herself from bunny and is torn between her pride and her growing affection for bunny

*peachii likes to ignore bunny's commands and would much rather do her own thing in battle.
she never stays in her pokeball.
throwing tantrums when bunny calls her out on being so mean
making bunny's other pokemon cry (mostly angel eyes and baby-bugga-boo)
slaps bunny whenever she does something dumb (which is a lot)

hates bunny's pop song dance routines
loves getting ready for contests

*move set:
frustration — normal (bunny quickly taught her this after figuring out peachii doesn't like her that much, but over time the move becomes weaker and is eventually replaced with solar beam)
mega drain
 — grass
petal blizzard  — grass
quiver dance  — bug

pokemon #2



angel eyes

angel eyes is a very nuturing pokemon. she's always there to help patch things up after bunny and peachii get in a fight, and she's always there to listen to bunny rant about peachii. she's quite softspoken and kindness runs rampant through he heart. she'll give her lil snacks to someone else if they didn't have any, and would ask for nothing in return. she's very anxious and believes that anything that can go wrong will go horribly, terribly wrong. angel eyes is easily frightened.


*bunny and peachii had gotten into another fight, ranting and raving, disturbing all the lil pokemon nearby. angel eyes hid from the two noisy scaries and saw peachii use frustration on bunny in the heat of the moment before storming off. bunny began crying because wowie it hurt a lot. angel eyes felt her heart clench at the scene that unfolded before her, so she picked a flower and emerged from her hiding spot. bunny stopped crying and stared at the lil pokemon in front of her. she gasped at its huge purple eyes and whispered, "angel eyes,". angel eyes helped bunny find peachii and was about to go back to her lil home, when bunny turned and asked her, "angel eyes, would you like to come with us?"

 ⇒ meowstic

*bunny adores angel eyes and firmly believes angel eyes must be protected at all costs. she babies angel eyes because angel eyes is so sweet and precious and deserves the best in the world. angel eyes watches over bunny and provides her with loving support and loyalty.

*gets nervouse and fidgety when making direct eye contact with another pokemon
cries because peachii is so mean

*peachii may or may not be jealous over how much affection angel eyes gets from bunny. n-not like she'd ever admit to it or anything...
angel eyes doesn't like contests that much, as she has stage fright, but she does love all the grooming and cute costumes

*move set:
 — psychic
light screen   psychic
disarming voice  — fairy
thunderbolt  — electric

pokemon #3



boo-boo keys

boo-boo keys has to be the biggest diva in the history of divas. she needs fancy accessories, gourmet poffins made from organic ingridents. she's firey and tempermental, but she's also very passionate and stands up for what she believes in. boo-boo keys is actually a really mean pokemon. if she could speak, she would do nothing but tell you why you're awful with cited sources. very few people get on boo-boo keys's good side, and bunny is very lucky that she's one of them.


*bunny had just bought the cutest key charm ever, and planned on putting it on a braclet of sorts. suddenly, an angry klefki appeared and tried taking bunny's charm! but bunny wouldn't let it, so it tried threatening bunny by jingling the keys it already had aggressively.  thankfully peachii was there to protect bunny ("i'm the only one who can threaten bunny-sama like that!!) and klefki was so sad, it almost cried. so, bunny offered the key charm to kleki under one condition: she became bunny's pokemon.

*does not evolve

*bunny and boo-boo keys love looking at pretty accessories together. boo-boo keys is quiet happy traveling with bunny, because of the charm the small girl gave her, and holds it dear. boo-boo keys usually doesn't get between peachii and bunny's arguments, but she does step in when peachii makes angel eyes cry.

*boo-boo keys doesn't look before she leaps, and often gets herself into sticky situations
when angry, boo-boo keys will jingle her keys at the object of her anger

*is very protective of  angel eyes
boo-boo keys might even have a crush on angel eyes

*move set:
dazzling gleam 
 — fairy
draining kiss  — fairy
play rough  — fairy
psychic  — psychic

pokemon #4




snuggems is always calm, collected, and elegant; she's very serious and always seems to have a situation under control. she never panics and is the one everyone else goes to when things are going wrong. snuggems seems unaffected by the world around her. she never seems overjoyed, mortified, furious, just like she never seems sad or annoyed. it's not that she doesn't have emotions, she is just unsure how to express them.


*bunny won snuggems in a contest. it was a special event to help raise money for charity, as every participant and audience member had to pay to get in. it would be like a regular contest,  ending with a battle phase, and the finalist of the battle round would win a milotic! and honestly, what coordinator wouldn't want a milotic? bunny knew she had to enter. she barely won the final battle, as it was a tie between her and her opponent, and this they were judged by technique, style, and how many remaining hit points each party had. bunny's battling during that match was much more crude than the others, because bunny desperately wanted to win. when the final scores came back, bunny found she beat her opponent by only half a point. but hey, winning is still winning.

*feebas ⇒ trade with prim scale ⇒ milotic

*sometimes bunny feels like snuggems doesn't like her. she listens to bunny and isn't mean, but she also doesn't display intense emotions like peachii, angel eyes, or boo-boo keys.  snuggems doesn't dislike bunny, she is rather quite found of her, it's just that snuggems doesn't know how to show her like the others do.

*the pokemons habits
will eat every snack bunny has for her party if given the opprotunity
when she doesn't want to talk to someone, she'll just flick her tail at them

*random facts
is pretty much the only pokemon in bunny's party that stays in its pokeball. because having a 20 feet serpant walking around would be very scary
snuggems was at first very put off by the gang's rowdiness and their outward display of emotions

*move set:
aqua tail
  — water
hydro pump   — water
aqua ring  — water
scald  — water 

pokemon #5



tator tot

tator tot is just so happy and sweet and always a ball of sunshine. but she's also extremely lazy and hates wasting energy. she's a very simple pokemon, she likes lazy and rainy days, because they're perfect for snuggling up with altarias. 


*tator tot was just looking for a place to rest her tired lil body from flappin her fluffy lil wings for so long, and suddenly she found a brown, fluffy pile!! so tator tot set her lil body down on it, but then suddenly her resting spot began screaming and crying. tator tot didn't like that, so she floated down to kiss her nest.

 ⇒ altaria

*tator tot is super duper happy as long as she can rest on bunny's head. she loves being cuddled and she gives kisses to everyone!!!

*tator tot loves traveling on bunny's head and often acts as a hat

*kisses everyone
likes to sing herself to sleep

*move set:
 — normal
perish song  — normal
round  — normal
dragon pulse — dragon

pokemon #6




baby-bugga-boo is literally the sweetest most gentle creature on the planet. baby-bugga-boo is afraid of a lot of things, especially bug pokemon. they're just so creepy!! he would never hurt a fly (mainly because he's afraid of flies), except if one of them tried to hurt his girls. he's super protective of everyone on his team, and will not let any mean boys hurt them.


*baby-bugga-boo was being "attacked" by a joltik, and practically in tears. bunny heard his distressed cries, and moved joltik away frombaby-bugga-boo. he was so happy, he decided to follow bunny around no matter what, leaving her no choice but to capture him as her pokemon.

 ⇒ machoke ⇒ machamp

*baby-bugga-boo will always protect bunny and everyone because he doesn't want them to be sad!! he's practically a mama's boy, sticking to bunny like glue. she's the first person baby-bugga-boo comes to when peachii makes him cry

*if he sees a guy flirting with bunny, he will try and seismic toss them

*he's actually a bit afraid of peachii because she's super mean
tator tot likes resting on his muscles

*move set:
seismic toss 
 — fighting
submission  — fighting
dynamic punch  — fighting
low sweep  — fighting

love interest

yoshizaki, akihiko (applicant — coughing)

scene requests

bunny and aki having a mock-contest to help them prepare
bunny and aki getting stuck in the rain and both their hair frizzes up
baby bugga boo seismic tossing jace or satoshi bc they said something inappropriate about bunny
aki and bunny's first kiss being ruined by their incredible height difference
a few of the boys coughsjaceandsatoshicoughs pointing out bunny's lack of age and bunny beating them up
bunny swooning over aki in suits (even though he wears them all the time
aki and bunny being lip balm weirdos and talking about their favorite lip balms
bunny in a bunch of fanservice outfits okay please
bunny gaining a lot of fanboys after her very first contest bc she is the cutest
aki's spark shocking bunny many, many times because she just won't stop touching the older boy
ringo and bunny teaming up to steal every boy's heart #teamrinny
bunny being a bit homesick and aki trying to make homemade thai comfort food for her



sorry this took so long im trash

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first sunggems
then baby bugga boo

im gone