adeline foster

username — smlover-

nickname — Hailey

activity rate — 7


name — Adeline Foster

OTHER NAMES — Soori (korean)

nickname — (state who calls you with that name)

birthdate — 10 October 1992

birthplace — Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

hometown — Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

ethnicity — American

languages — English (native) Korean (semi-fluent) Japanese, Chinese (basic, she learns it for promotional use)



you're so pretty!


face claim — Elizabeth Olsen

gallery — here

backup face claim — Lea Seydoux

gallery — here


HEIGHT — 170cm

WEIGHT — 48kg
style— (add some photos if can)

tell me more!

traits — (everything, including her flaws.)


Adeline has a face of an adult. But, she has the personality of a little child. When she can't get what she wants, she will whine there like a little girl. Even the maknae of the group is annoyed and gives her the things she wants. Adeline is a funny dorky girl. When everyone is practicing, she will tell jokes or make funny movements to keep the move. She and (another talkative member in the group) will make a lot of voice when they are together. As you can see, ERIS has the most laughing voice because of these two members. She is the most clever member in the group. Sometimes, she even tells the manager the ideas of promoting their group. Adeline is serious when she does performance on stage. She did not want everybody to think that she only has the visual but did not have any specialities. She wants to let everyone know the 'other' her, that is passionate. As one of the oldest member in the group, Adeline always care for the younger member especially maknae. Because she knows that being seperated with family at such young age is hard. So she tried her best to care and acts like an older sister to them, hoping to give them some family feels.

One of the weakness she has is she doesn't like sharing her problems to the members. In a group all the members are a family and they should share everything together, but she don't. She cares for them but she don't want them to know about her problem. That what makes the other members worried about her. At one time when there are practicing, Adeline was having migraine. But she did not tell the members about it because she afraid it will interrupt their practice. Finally she can't stand it anymore and collasped. Adeline also kinda babbling to the members. Every morning she is the first one to call them wake up. She chases all the members for lunch and dinner on time. No one likes her personality of this except the leader. Because she did the leader's job!


background —

(start here. no sobbing stories. at least 2 paragraphs.)

likes — 

dislikes — 

hobbies — 

habits — 

trivias — 

i love you

family — 

— Name | Relationship | occupation | closeness

— Name | Relationship | occupation | closeness

— (you can add more.)

i love you

friends — (don't make them all idols)

— Name | occupation | how you met | closeness

— Name | occupation | how you met | closeness

— (you can add more.)

someone's in love


love interest — Dane Dehaan, actor

backup love interest — Aaron Taylor Johnson, actor


personality — 

relationship — best friends who rely on each other

i think he likes you


love rival — Minho, Choi Minho, SHINee

backup love rival — Suho, Kim Joonmyun, EXO


personality — 
When Adeline first came to South Korea, she had no knowledge about Korea and don't know how to talk korean. Even buying some snacks in convenience store is difficult for her. That time she went to one of the stores in Gyeonggi-do to buy some food because she is starving. Adeline is having a hard time communicate with the old lady there. She just want a coke and Lay's chips, but the old lady kept on introduce her different brands of soft drinks and snacks. She is going to die of hunger when a guy told the old lady that she wanted a coke and Lay's chips. Adeline felt like he is the savior in her life. After they bought the things, the guy asked her if she's from overseas. Adeline nodded and quickly thanked him for telling the old lady what she wants. And of course, Adeline started eating because she will faints if she didn't eat. The guy, who is Minho laughed at her cuteness when she eats and walked away.


relationship — 

tsk, .


rival — Sunny, Lee Soonkyu, SNSD

backup rival — Jessica, Jung Sooyeon, SNSD


personality —
She is cold and calm. Sunny doesn't care the people around her, she just care for herself. That is consider as selfish. But to her seniors or CEO, she will act as kind as she could. Some of the trainee called her "two face". Actually she is lonely because she doesn't have many friends since little, so she always did that to protect herself.


reason of rivalry — (no friendly rival!)

you're a star!


stage name — Jaylin

persona — 

position — (look in the foreword)
back-up position — (just in case)

fanclub name and colour — (include the code of the colour)


almost finished!

comments/suggestions — 

scene requests — 

password — 

turn in — back to the story


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