❝ Yubi Ent — ACE




audition form


ACE 〉〈 18 〉〈Vocalist & RAPPER 〉

AFF Username → LemonLuck

Activeness  8

Full name → Jung Jae Young

Birthday  1st of February, 1996

Height and Weight → 168cm and 50kg

Country → Philippines

Languages  English, Korean, Tagalog, Japanes and Chinese [Still practicing.]

Personality keywords: Boyish, Observant, Witty

Biases → Hansol, Seogoong, Xero, Gohn [ToppDogg]; Baekhyun, Lay, Tao [EXO]; Hongbin, Leo, N [VIXX]; Hyeri & Sojin [Girl's Day]; Sunhwa [Secret] ; Daehyun [ B.A.P ]; Hoya & Dongwoo [Infinite]

Ideal Type → Someone between Seogoong & Gohn.

Motto → "Do what you want, not what society wants."


Group position wanted  Main Rapper; Sub Vocalist

Specialty  Playing the Violin & Audio Mixing

Fanclub Name → Alpha

Fanclub Color → #00cccc

Faceclaim  Kang Jiwon + Yoo Hyeon Jin

Group preference → 7 at maximum and 3 at minimum. Prefer boy groups or at least badass groups. 



• Top Dog ; ToppDogg   Linkeu

• Eyes, Nose, Lips   Taeyang   Linkeu

• Soundcloud



Questions and Comments → O u O I tried--




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Hello, are you an EXO-L? ARE YOU POSSIBLY A LYRICIST (changes korean lyrics to english), SINGER, RAPPER OR A DANCER? Can you video edit, music mix or graphic design? Check this out now for the sake of the fandom>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW33bT-xTKk