Happy Minyeon Day

Happy Minyeon Day

History of Minyeon Day LOL

14th July 2012, the first time Jiyeon and Hyomin declare them as MinYeon couple during T-ara's first fanclub gathering. Jiyeon and Hyomin fans use to call themselves as Jimin shipper before (Mostly people around me call themselve Jimin, maybe minyeon already exist at that time.. ) but it change when Jiyeon Hyomin mention #Minyeon

and i'm EunYeon shipper at that time ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I'm just happy Minyen shipper...

When you mention "Hyomin", people will think about "Sunbyung" and when people mention "Jiyeon", there's Eunyeon behind... Sometimes i'm give up hahahaha i should ship them with guy now.. lol or stop ship-ing anyone.... Well, always be happy Minyeon shipper, we are just small group and lets be nice to each other :)



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