My Name Starts With 'C'

HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!

What is your name: Cindy

Four letter word: Chat

A boy's name: Calvin ;)

A girl's name:  Chantelle <-- I looove names like that ;)

An occupation: Cheerleader <-- One of my childhood dreams ... ahh ;)

A color: Cyan

Something you'll wear: Clothes ;)

A school subject: Chemistry ........... gahh >.<

Food: Chicken !! Thinking of Onew ....................... mmmmmmmm :D

Something found in the bathroom: That starts with C ?!!??! I dunno ... Chemicals ??

A place: Chinatown ;)

A reason for being late: Cat next door peed on my homework so I had to redo it and it took a whole hour ~ ;)

Something you'd shout: CHEATER !!!

A Musical Group:  Musical Group? Does a BAND count ?? Chocolat ?

An animal: Cockroach ... eww *shivers*

A street name: CABRAMATTA FTW !!! <33333

A type of car: Camry ;)

The title of a song: Can't Tell You That I Love You - 2AM


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I have a friend named Chantelle!
I'm gonna do this one too~