Has anyone.......?

Has anyone ever watched the Korean movie Silenced or The Crucibles!!!!!!? I just watch that movie and I can honestly say I've only ever cried during a movie once and when I was watching this movie I was just crying so hard!!! It's so sad and it's based on a true story!!!! If you've ever watch can you give me you opinion on it or anything???


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Oh! I watched Silenced... It was horrible but it told such a great story. Hopefully it gets the message out and although the actors weren't that good they put their characters across so greatly that I cried so much during it. It was a great movie, horrible, but good.
I cried just from watching the trailer so I knew that watching the actual movie would be awful. and it was. I watched it and I cried SO much. and yeah, it's even worse that it's based on a true story. it doesn't even have a happy ending?????