Rant: Ditching Friends? Bullies?

So a survey said that 1 in 5 youths get bullied... But to be honest, I think its 3 in 5. For me, bullying is when someone or a group of people make a fool out of you without your permission. You might be wondering, Why would I want to make a fool out of myself?

What I mean is... Like when you say something dumb or hilarious or when you do something clumsy and people laugh AND you laugh as well. THAT'S MAKING A FOOL OUT OF YOURSELF which let's be honest, we do make a fool out of ourselves sometimes WHICH IS NORMAL in fact, I find it AWESOME because its good not to take yourself too seriously sometimes.

BUT THE MOMENT... Someone else does something to make you look or WORSE feel like a real fool... That's bullying! Its not bullying if a close friend calls you for example, Fat and Lazy, and you two laugh THATS FINE cuz you two laughed and your feelings weren't hurt!

Its a different story when someone else does the same thing and you feel offended. It might be the same treatment but one is just teasing while the other BULLYING. Bullying depends on the person so if you know damn well that someone is sensitive... YOU DON'T FRIGGIN SAY OR DO SOMETHING HURTFUL! Especially if you're sensitive yourself! I mean am I right?! UGH! GOSH! I HATE BULLIES!

AND YOU KNOW WHAT MAKES IT WORSE?! When the people making you feel like a fool are your friends... And lets add more oil to the flame and say that they're the closest friends that you have. LIKE DAFUQ?! AM I THE ONLY ONE EXPERIENCING THIS?!

Okay if some random guy comes up to me and says that I'm ugly, I'd just roll my eyes and walk away. BUT WHEN ITS YOUR FRIENDS... GAME OVER MAN! If you're close like REAL CLOSE OKAY like your friends know all your dirty little secrets, then you could just tell them that you know its not cool dude. But when your friends and you are the type that just talk about anything and everything but not your personal problems ITS HARD!

So anyway... Phew... I just wanted to say that I am ditching them... As in I'm still in the process. To be honest, my friends and I have not talked IN A LONG LONG TIME. And honestly speaking... I don't miss them a single bit. Sure it was hard at first cuz we used to talk all day, for hours but whats the use of that when you just feel so ty around them? And if you can't bring yourself to talk it out with them then my advice... Is to ditch them. If theyre real friends they would notice and talk to you and if they don't then find new ones! However, okay lets get real, if theyre sadly the only friends you have in school and everyone else already has their clique... Just stay with them a little longer, PRESS ON (come on we need someone to do group projects with) and you never know they might stop. But if they don't then don't worry... THERE'S GRADUATION AND YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN HAVE TO SEE THEN AGAIN!

Making new friends is hard but staying with those that makes you feel bad about yourself is worse. In any case, I really hope those of you experiencing this will get through this AND YOU WILL! You don't need tons of friends... keep the good ones and that's all you need. BE STRONG!


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itsthaiteaa #1
Girl. I feel you. I thought I was the only one that didn't 'fit' in but it's because i moved to a new school and found friends. some of those friends were real jerks and some were great friends. I'm still in the process of not knowing what to do, like you. But if i find a good solution, i'll be sure to tell you. be strong, okay? we got each other!!
We're on the same boat. I'm not talking to my my so called "bestfriends" for about a long time now. Yeah, at first it still hurts but as time goes by it became okay. It's like I'd rather unfriend them than letting them make fool of me.

And now, I have new friends. New friends who don't make fun of me. :)