should I ?

I really wanna write a story about Kai. But I don't really have a clear plotline and which languange I should use. Either Malay or English. I cant afford to make it in both language since I got really a busy schedule. But when I think about it again. I already have 7/6 fanficts which doesnt react the ending yet. But I already wanna make another story? Oh damn. I shoulnt write the story. Just keep on rant by yourself. Or just keep Kai story in my imagination. Okbhye


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Writing it in Malay would be great for people who speak it since I doubt there is a large amount of fanfiction written in the language....but the vast majority on this site are English the choice is up to you, really :)
How about a oneshot, and you can write a sequel after that. Read some books or watch movies, ideas will come to you ;))
Popculurejunkie #3
Write the story but don't post it yet until you're less busy and have time to make it in both languages