ad*** The Breaking


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            The Breaking           
                                 by -Tigress-
GENRE: Action, si-fi, fantasy 
SUMMARY:Jungkook has lived a typical, happy life; he has great friends, a wonderful family, and is about to have the best 16th birthday ever. But then he fails the testing and finds that he has what the government calls the Breaking, and now he belongs to them.
This story is about a country where there is no such thing as freedom. The sytems, the government, the required worship, the fear. Add in the fact that when one turns sixteen, they must submit to government testing. What are they looking for? It's simple, really.
They want to know if you have the Breaking. They are afraid of those born with the genetic ability to do supernatural things, the ability to break their system and their rule. They want to control those with abilities and force them into servitude for their country.
Once one is found with the Breaking, their life as they knew it is over. Their family strikes their names from the records, they lose all human rights, and they are released into the state's care. They go through tests and torture, all to see what they can do. And once they are fully studied, they are left in their cells to die, too weak and broken to carry on. 
But now, the Broken will begin to challenge the system, use their abilities to crack the system. And one day they may even cause the Breaking everyone fears. But for today, they've had enough.It is time for the Broken to rise.

AUTHOR'S NOTE:This dystoptian story may have no pairings, but it does have lots of action, lots of friendship, and a whole lot of learning who to trust. It's all from Jungkook's POV.



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