2 of my stories in the "recommended" list. (╥﹏╥) Gimme some hug!

Haha. I just wanna cry from happiness right now.
A while ago, someone posted a blog about her story getting listed on the recommendation list (ya know who you are).
I got curious and checked it as well, and ua-la! My story was on it as well. (The Story of Jung Dahee).
And then, I checked again a few seconds ago, and now it has two of my stories! (The Story of Jung Dahee and Mental Breakdown Reviews).
Well, this was surely over-whelming, but I'm still confused. Why did my stories get there anyways?
And for how long? Would it be gone tomorrow? (-_-")
Eh well... I guess I'll just have to enjoy it while it lasts.
Hahaha. Imma sleep happily tonight!
Good night everyone! >3< (and good morning/afternoon to some)
   - yeolwho05


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Congrats. :)
awwww grats ♡
Congrats! xD
Congrats yo!
sooyeonnie11 #5
awww. congratulations unneeeeh!