GAH....!!! @@

I'm posting so many blogs recently, but ah well!!

Recently, (well, a while ago) there's this famous guy/public figure called 吳大偉 (pronounced Wu Da-Wei, literally called Wu David in Chinese) and GAHHHH! He's like the perfect brother and guy!

(FYI, He's from China) He got famous because he commonly posts pictures of interactions with his younger sister that has an with him of about 18 years.

But still, the reason why he's so ideal @0@ (and partially why I'm daydreaming now) is because he cooks, has a nice built body (not to mention six packs I believe), very handsome, takes so much care of his younger sister, rich, takes his sister to travel around the world, and even buy gifts for his fans!


Sorry, I'm just really infatuated with him lately @0@ 


So pictures eh? XD






His instagram:




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My feels......
His girlfriend is pretty too!!!~~
YongNa #3
Damn. He's so handsome. I'm going to stalk him on ig right now.