Sorry For The Absence

Hello dearies!

I am writing this entry to inform you are that I am still well and alive and I am not abandoning this story. I am really sorry for not updating this story for like 234589209400 days already :( First thing I am in xollege now and studying under a really fast pace. My life is busily organised here. There are piles and piles of work that are given and have to be done. Anyway I am already used to the life here and am trying my very best to enjoy it despite of the tiring routine. 

P/s: I am going to have a short holiday in like 3 weeks time so I will try to update by then. Stay tune :)




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nana4ever #1
It's understandable ... So don't stress yourself. Although I so miss your story :)

Do well in school and enjoy the moments.

Will look forward to reading your update soon

Take care!!!