I am super angry and sad!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:

Hey guys, I hope you're doing well 'cause I'm not!! My cousin decided to ruin my most favorite ship in the world for me!!!!! JongKey. God freakin'- I can't even think straight. I actually kinda cried when she told me. So, ToHeart, I love ToHeart but SM deided to put ToHeart together to hide the rumors that Key and WooHyun are dating. Sounds like a relief. Right? NOPE. The way Key worded it just made it sound like they really are in a relationship, which I do accept sorta, because I love Key to death and as a fellow Shawol I want him to be happy. I'm just sayin' this right now; KIM JONGHYUN YOU ARE A FREAKING IDIOT!!!!!!! HOW COULD YOU CHOOSE AN ACTRESS OVER KEY AND MESS UP YOUR WHOLE RELATIONSHIP!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!? *table flip* I am so sorry for raging guys!! That ship was my second favorite part of my whole thing with K-Pop. Have a good day guys!! Anneyong!! *Bows*


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Remember author-nim it's Korea they may allow same shipping, but they more than likely will not allow the ships to become real. remember the hate Jjong got when he announced that he is ok with homouals? FYI I don't care what anybody says... Jongkey is REAL!!!! >.<
Haha if you think your ship has sunk, just go to instagram now and look at key's last update. Its a pic of someone's body but doesn't show his face. People say its Jjong:)
i'm so sorry to hear that ;( *hug*
but you are silly when you rant XD
I understand about that, really i am, and don't worry, the pain will get better ;)
And just to add who literally ed on stage when they got a win with Sherlock when they came back. The fan meeting where Jjong says he values Key and hopes to be together forever while the other three coo in the back ground then hugs Key tightly :D. Hope this helps make you feel better and smile lovely :D
Aw lovely don't take it heart. I personally have never seen these rumours about Key and Woohyun. Just think this when your sad, has Woohyun had Key over a table and posed above him and his lips at the sight. Has Woohyun got to have Key grind his in to his crutch or have his his finger's intertwined together. Have they ever been close to kissing ? just think of all the Jongkey moments and then comapre them to Woohyun and your see Woohyun is just a friend. I only ship Jongkey but I won't ruin other's because that's not fair. Tell your cousin to jog on, go on tumbler and drown your self in Jongkey feels lovely :D <333333
If she ruined your favorite ship why not ruin her favorite ship? Haha! Kidding. :D