It's a serious question!

So, earlier I was watching some videos on Youtube (it's the only thing I do), and I found a video. It was a MV. The one that was singing it was a guy named Chad Future, and the rapper was Ravi (ma baby~~~~). The song was really good and I really liked it, it's called "Rock The World".


So, like I always do, I went to check the comments. Some comments were good, but others were mean.

Yes, I understand that the sing and rap in english, but sometimes he puts some korean phrase too. And he is still learning the language.

But other comments were really mean, because they said that he can't be a k-pop star because he doesn't look asian. I found this really mean, because we can't choose our race. I've been made fun of because I like k-pop and I'm not asian. If he likes what he does, then why do you hate on him?


My question to you guys is: Do you have a problem with that? Do you have a problem with a person being a k-pop star and they don't look asian?


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Those KPop fans that insult him for being not being Asian are exactly like the KPop haters who insult us for liking the music even though not all of us are Asian the bullies -__- Okay: I get it, KPop is mainly for Koreans but still. We shouldn't tear someone's race apart like that that's racist if you hate him because he's not Asian.

Korean is also a very difficult language to learn, so of course he'll start off using phrases instead we all start like that when learning a new language. And, just maybe maybe he'll speak full Korean the more he studies it more :)

I have no interest in Chad at all but I'm not going to bully him like many fans are doing.

Oh and before anyone says 'Yeah it's only Korean fans acting like this' no. International fans are doing the same thing some of them anyway not all...kind of off topic but just wanted to throw that in there to X'3

Thanks for being a decent human being though towards Chad <3 We need more people like you in the KPop fandom. I'm not Asian either but I still love KPop and the Korean language.