A new story - this time bucksung/chankhun

Wrote a bucksung fic for the first time. Please check it out.

I know I said I wouldn't write fics for the time being, but this was an old promise that I needed to fulfill. So please read it. Hope the fans of the couple like it (**)


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I still love this story so so much and i hope you don't mind but i added it to the library : a place where the best fictions you have read can be recomended. Since i mostly read bucksung (*laugh*) it's showen i would be happy to get recommention of other stories you loved dearly and wouldn't mind reading and reqsing again. How ever i felt this place wasn't complete without eighteen lessons <3
Gahhhh *-*

*runs to check it out*

You're tge best, hun ♥
so excitd for it *_____*
can't wait to read it ♥