I'm so sorry.

I knew



I knew about everything. Your pain, your struggles and your problems. 


I tried to help you too

And you tried to help me



You understood it all

A comfort I had never actually met 



You were clean too 



No self harm for a month you said

Getting better you said


Oh I trusted you too 



But tonight



You lied

No longer a month clean


And tonight. You took it a step farther


You tried to leave with you razor in hand and wrist stained in blood. 



And your goodbye hurts so much





So my dear darling friend, if you leave me tonight, I will at least know you are in a better place. Somewhere happy and free. And I'll see you on there one day



Or someday soon who knows




If you are still here tomorrow, than thank you for not leaving me behind. And please....please get better



You deserve all the happiness in the world 




And I am so very sorry that I couldn't save you 


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I'm sorry for her...