Is it ? ? ? ?

I suddenly thought about this anon confessions to me and . . . . I thought of how did I reply to those.


So is it wrong when someone suddenly confessed and said if they can like me and I'll be like "It's okay. Anyone can like anyone." I FEEL IDK UNCOMFORTABLE Whenever i say that But Like hello, they liked someone because that someone is either attractive or through personality or because sudden feels and doesnt know why. And be happy about it because someone appreciate or admires you for being who you are. And you cant just bring them down because they cant like you. 

But sometimes, it feels like I'm being a show-off or something.That's why it feels wrong... Alot . . . 

And I've sometimes leave the questions blank because I'm thinking of how my friends or others would think of me when I say that that person can like me. I just dont want to be judge as someone who likes everyone to like her. 


ohgod idk what am i talking about but ive let out everything i want to say and goodnight 




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it's not wrong.. I guess..