Urgent!! Who's going to KCon?

Hey lovelies!!!

My sister (luvmecrazy) , my cousin (Cecilia72), and I are all going to KCon!!  This is not to brag but to connect.  We were wondering if there are any of you out there that are going to KCon that need tavel buddies.  We are in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, USA) and are traveling to LA, California via plane.  We are going to be staying at a hostel and will be using the public transit as transportation.  If anyone is intereste in joining us, please contact me via private message.  ^^

- Haelo


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kpopluvr27 #1
*sniff sniff*
I'm going to kcon (most likely) but I already live in L.A >.< safe traveling though