Ramadhan Kareem for all the Muslims out there!


For those who aren't Muslims and don't know anything about Ramadhan, I'll tell you. 


Ramadhan is the holy month for all the Muslims around the world. We don't eat anything from dawn to sunset, we don't talk bad about the others, we don't tell lies, we avoid doing any wrong thing.


It makes us feel the poor people who have no food; makes us understand them and help them. It also teaches us to be patient and gives us time to worship Allah. We usually pray five times a day, but in Ramadhan, we pray six.


We aren't forced to, but praying to God makes us feel really good. It makes us feel peace. 


رمضان كريم!

So, is there anything else YOU wanna know about Ramadhan? 


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مبارك عليج رمضان♡♡
PoiuKickMe #2
Hey! Ramadan Kareem to you too! Thankfully, although it's summer here, it's been raining alot instead. Ramadan is pretty hard, but once you get into the swing of it, you really start to appreciate a lot of things. Salaam to you and have a productive Ramadan
Well well - how small the world is ^_^
I love Ramadan. But it's always very hard at the beginning, my throat feels dry and my stomach keeps grumbling but still I love Ramadan and would never give up, because it makes me proud.
The way you described it was a little touching and I just kept nodding with every point :D
I never thought that you also are moslem <3<3<3
Now I know, and I feel like you're my sister ~^_^~
Thank you رمضان كريم لكل المسلمين !!
thank you Ramadan Kareem for all the Muslims