New couples

HEY!!!!!!!!!! So as u can tell from the title, there r a bunch of new couples on the kpop scene. For example, the latest couple I know is Exo's Baekhyun and SNSD Taeyeon. The reason I m writing this blog is y r the Exo n SNSD fans so against their relationship? Even though they r famous celebrities, they r still young adults who deserve 2 enjoy being in love n have a relationship.

Which brings me on 2 my next point. Y do r some fans so against their idols having a relationship??? As I have mentioned earlier, they deserve 2 b in a relationship n enjoy their adulthood. They can't b single forever rite? This year, there have been a lot of new couples n 4 SNSD girls off the market, it has been about 7 yrs since they have debuted. Don't they deserve 2 havefun n b in a relationship?

I'm not saying that fans who don't like having their idols in a relationship r not true fans. In my opinion, a true fan will always support his or her idol in whatever they do. But, even if u don't like the idol that ur idol is dating, then u may like express ur feelings in a gd way n not like backlash ur idol as that will cause stress 2 ur idol.

Anyway, recently I have been liking VIXX's songs. So all u VIXX fans I m also a starlight!!!!! Woohoo!!!! I think that bout it. Bb!!!😄😃😀


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