Gotta Let it Out....ALERT! Read at your OWN RISK!


This is a rant so you can choose to read it or not caz I'm just letting it out...






















Sick of it.

I am so sick of you.

Even as the class parent leader, how can you give my family, my parents, my own blood relatives that sort of attitude?


Do you think I am even concerned about being accepted by you? Well, the answer is HELL NO I AM NOT. Especially with this really y attitude you keep using.



Hmph, You probably are thinking I'm being such a , not cooperating with the class and not even showing sympathy toward the homeroom teacher since he's going to not be our continued homeroom teacher for senior year. Well, I'm a you say? Think twice before you automatically assume that. Don't think people have to be sympathetic your way, HELL I also have my OWN way to sympatize others so don't ing criticize me as a right off the bat.


Well you know what, woman, what my relationship with the teacher is my own problem. If you try to ing in, and wallow heavens, use your own pathetic son to show off how touching and sympathetic HE can be to the teacher AND compare HIM to ME, you better stop it all now. 

To me, you can ing do what you want (I don't give a damn about it), but wow, stop trying to show off and make ME the bad girl, the worst student, the most incooperative.




Go shove your nose elsewhere please. Hey, even that time of bribery thinking that your son could get me through means of money, that just made me ing hate you and your stupid son more. He's pathetic in his confessions and I already know since that time (good thing I did break up with him), that he's a ing 花心 jerk.


Well, apparently, he's your only son so I guess pathetic or not, you'd like him anyways.


Just ing stop using and trying to make me look like the jerk I thought your own son was. And don't you ever, EVER ing talk about my parents. MY parents are the best parents I could ever wish for, and I'm so ing happy that I'm not your daughter! (Thank God it was like this!)


If you ing say another thing about them or give them the "I-don't-respect-any-ing-part-of-you" look again, I'm going to ing ruin your son's life.


Trust me. I can. You can just ing wait or ing don't try and get me mad. AT ALL.




( feels better now it's all out and sorry for the inappropriate language.)


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Sorry but I really enjoyed what I just read. What to say, that person, whoever she is, is the most horrible person I've ever heard or read of. Giving your parents a bad aattitude? That was ing angering. And she spoils her son? Well, I can't say that ain't expected. But you know? Just comfort your parents.

Yesterday, I locked the room and MY 14-year-old sis was in. I started dancing MY heart out- because I haven't for two weeks and MY abs started to fade slightly. No iI'm not kidding, I have abs... and it's pretty hard to keep them there T.T

However, mom tried to open the door and I stopped dancing. You know, it's embarrassing to make mom see me dance When I had to clean so I hid MY phone. She opened the door and guess what? She suspected that I and sis were having .

Wow... I'm impressed. No grammatical mistakes.