Jung Jihyun - The mature kid - Our Little Cafe

Jung Ji Hyun

username — AliceHwang1

nickname — Carol (My real nickname) or Alice

activity rate — 9/10


name — Jung Ji Hyun










birthdate — 28/10/1998

birthplace — California, USA

hometown — Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean-American

language(s) — English (Fluent) / Korean (Fluent) / Mandarin (Semi-fluent) / Japanese (Basic)


i'll become the last love that you can look upon - a pink

face claim — Park So Jin

gallery — 

backup face claim — Kim Hyuna

gallery — 


Height — 167cm

weight — 47kg


APPEARANCE — Jihyun has a very natural appearance. She's not a girl who likes to wear a lot of makeup, but still uses some regular makeup like every girl. Jihyun prefer her natural appearance than full of changes, so she never had plastic surgery and she will never do. Jihyun likes to change her hair sometimes. Already changed to black, brown, red and others colors, but now it's black in color and she will keep for a while that color. Many boys try to flirt with her because Jihyun is a hot girl. Whether or not she has a beautiful body and nobody can deny that. Jihyun not denies, but she just does not like to show much, though she acts more y than cute or innocent.

FASHION STYLE — Jihyun has turned more to the y style, y but not vulgar, but a more elegant style. She loves fashion and does everything to follow all the trends, she is a true fashionist. Despite having a fixed style, Jihyun defines her style as its own thing and unique. Always says that the way she dresses, depends both on the day and her mood, but there is quite a fact that, since she's always dressed according to the fashion. But of course, that Jihyun only uses what she likes, if she does not like of the clothes fashionable, she will invent her own fashion and recreate a trend so that Jihyun will feel more comfortable and free.

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20

Formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14

Practice: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

TV shows: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11

Airport: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11

Dorm: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Sleep: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

my mind is closed against everyone else - 15&

plotline — The mature kid
backup plotline — The cheerful optimist

traits —

+ Friendly
+ Nice

+ Honest

+ Cheerful

+ Lively

+ Hardworking

+ Mature

- A bit spoiled

- Blunt

- Competitive

- Stubborn

- ' ert '

- Consumerist

- A bit ' rebel ' girl

- Tough girl

personality — 

Where can we start? Well, Jihyun has a strong personality and all who know her know it. She is the type of girl who lives life the way she pleases and not as others want. Jihyun says that she isn't a doll that can be controlled by someone. But she isn't the rebellious type, just like to be free, without having to obey everything that others say. Not that she doesn't respect, because she respects everyone, but she will not give confidence to anyone. This is typical of her. Jihyun usually is speaking that treats people the way she is treated, so then she can often be considered arrogant, but she isn't. She only gives back what she receive. If Jihyun is treated well by someone, she will surely treat this someone very well, but if she is treated badly, she will have no mercy on mistreating too. But of course, don't misunderstand. Jihyun is a nice girl, just not is when she receives some kind of bad treatment. She's not a girl who pretends to be what she isn't or pretend to like someone, when really don't like, so if she doesn't like the person, Jihyun go talk to person or just ignore the person. Isn't her problem anyway. Everyone has to get home education, if the person no has or not learned from their parents, Jihyun doesn't care about any of that. She says that her has more important things to worry about than that.

Known for having a sharp tongue, Jihyun no cares to speak the truth. She isn't a fake person anyway, and just hate fake people. Jihyun can be considered a very blunt girl and doesn't care if someone is hurting or not with what her say. But wait, this is only with those people who dare to offend or do something bad to her or the people she loves. Jihyun always tells that the truth, even painful it might be, is the best way to solve things. And she is not wrong in that sense. At least she can defend very well all that she really loves. Jihyun not accepts offense from anyone. But she isn't the type of girl who will stay for a long time arguing with anyone whatsoever. She always says " I'll not spend my valuable time with people who don't deserve even the least bit of respect from me." for people. Although she's stubborn, she prefers not to spend her time. But depends much . If Jihyun know or at least think she is right, she will not hesitate to discuss with the person for a long time. And the least she'll want is to win. Then come her competitive side. It may not look it, but she's a really competitive girl. Losing isn't in her vocabulary, so she will always want to win. But don't think she will cheat because Jihyun is super honest. She's a y girl and no one can deny that the body of Jihyun is very beautiful and perfect for a mature girl equal to her. Honestly, Jihyun not really care for it, but try all forms, leaving her body in shape. However, it is not only because of her body that she is considered a y girl, but by her style. Jihyun can turns into a minute in an extremely y person when she wants. She can seduce everyone, only with her look, but people get by she altogether. Great to do y dances, nobody can resist her power.

Her personality seems to be a very rebellious girl right? But no. Actually she is a very cheerful and lively girl. Just her smile can light up the world. Jihyun can infect everyone with her animation and so she's always trying to amuse everyone. Although sometimes her jokes are humorless, always will leave all up and she likes it. Know that makes others joyful always makes she happier. Because of her sharp tongue, she speak very well with people. Sometimes she may even surprise people by her good communication. Although she can speak a little too much of the bill, Jihyun like this her side, because she can be a nicer girl and having more friends, but also won many rivals. Because of her laid back personality, Jihyun became a very popular girl in her school days, thus causing a bit of rivalry between the "queenkas" of her school. But Jihyun never bothered with them, this always made they become more angry. Jihyun always managed to annoy some people because of her calm and tranquility. What isn't in her interest, will never be her concern, so Jihyun looks like a carefree girl with almost everything. But it isn't true. Jihyun worry too much about things, especially those she loves. Jihyun always did defend very well all who are close to her. She will not let anybody offend her friends or her family and just hang out. Jihyun tends to defend very well the others and even takes the blame for some things that someone she loves do, just to help. She is a bit ert. She is always talking nonsense, and almost always have to stay away from the maknae because of that speech. But generally, what she says, makes everyone laugh. This is not something she worries too much, she just likes to be herself.

Jihyun might be a little spoiled sometimes, but only when she really wants something. If she wants something, she will struggle to achieve and will not rest until she get what both wanted. Well, but don't misunderstand, that side spoiled her, did Jihyun become more hardworking. Because she runs after what she want, but sometimes her spoiled side can attack and she will want to order something she wants in time she wants. This usually happens with food. Jihyun has a great passion for food, as well as shoes and clothes. She will always be more cheerful if she eat her favorite food, which is sweet or others foods. Any food makes she happy and well animated. Jihyun can eat for eight people and not be crowded, or maybe get hungrier, depends on the day and as she is hungry. And the problem is that she hates sharing her food and may often be called selfish, but this is something she isn't. Jihyun is always giving her things to the needy and always buy toys and clothes for the children of the orphanage near her home. She enjoys children and whenever she visit this orphanage is much more cheerful. Children living there already treat her as a friend or even as an older sister and very fond of Jihyun. This side leaves her very proud parents because Jihyun does this because she likes and not because she is required. Yet her parents did not show it, making Jihyun often sad. But she never shows it, because for Jihyun, she's a strong girl and can not being hurt by this.

Anyway ... Jihyun is a girl with a good heart, despite having a strong personality and full of defects. She will not change for anyone and also will not pretend to be something she isn't. Jihyun only will continue with her normal sides of her. Being childish,y, funny, cool, arrogant, cute, silly, tough and etc ... This is the real Jihyun!


background — Jihyun's mother was already pregnant when she went to Los Angeles with her husband to work. The two are owners a large and famous company in Seoul. Because of work, Jihyun ended born in Los Angeles. Her family is very rich and thus Jihyun always had all the good and the best. Her life is what we call "princess life." She has always been treated like a real princess and her family, especially her parents, never left that lacked nothing for her. Jihyun was very happy in her childhood, because she always had everything a girl needs to be happy. True friends, a good family, best toys, best clothes, a huge mansion, maids, butlers, personal drivers and many other luxury things. She did not really need anything else, her life was so perfect.


However, when she moved to Seoul, South Korea, in her 12 years, the company from her parents was stolen. Even though her parents tried to solve the problem, the damage was very large and half of what they had left. Her parents had to sell many things to have what to eat at home and gradually they began to have more financial problems since it was a very great loss. Gradually, all they had was taken away. Jihyun felt a big difference in her life and her parents too, but they had to get used to it. The mansion was sold them and they had to move to a smaller home, they had to lay off the butlers and maids of the house, them sold the luxury car and bought a simpler... Anyway. Everything changed and they needed time to adapt to their new life, especially Jihyun who had almost everything I wanted, it was a drastic change and she had to stand to see the pain of her parents when they lose precious things.


Over the years, their lives were improving, but nothing big. Some things were recovered, but Jihyun knew that nothing would be like it was before, and if it went, it would take a long time. She realized that her parents were working hard to recover her things. This began to worry Jihyun and she took the initiative to get a job to help with expenses. She knew she would not be able to help much, but at least it was more money for the house. Initially, her parents not admitted Jihyun to work and said that everything was theirs problems and that Jihyun not need help them because it was all about control. They did not want their only daughter to feel burdened with a job and not to lose her studies to work. But as she has a very stubborn mind, Jihyun not heard her parents and spent days trying to find a job until she finally found a cafe that was hiring employees. She thought it was a good opportunity and tried her luck. And it seems that luck was on her side because Jihyun got a job and started working alongside other girls who ended up becoming great friends to her. Before her parents could prevent this, she was working and they could not do anything but finally let her work.

likes — Food - Jihyun like almost every kind of food, but a prefer thousand times American food, because she says it is tastier and isn't as nasty as the Korean food. And best of all, she isn't fattening easily. She can eat by " more than five people " and will not get fat 1kg. 

Sleeping - Believe it or not, she is an extremely lazy girl. She loves to sleep and can sleep for a whole day without even waking at least once. Usually it must be agreed with water or shouting because she is very difficult to be agreed.

Shopping - Her passion. She is a very consumerist girl and so is always buying things, no matter if her wardrobe is full or not.

Shoes - Her second passion after food. She loves shoes, especially high heels.

Keroro or Pororo - How Jihyun looks very mature for her age, may not look it, but she still is very childish and loves to watch cartoons. Keroro and Pororo are her favorites. She thinks very cute.

Winter | Snow - The perfect combination for a good movie's afternoon. Jihyun loves the cold weather, because she likes to stay under the sheet, bundled up, watching movie and eating popcorn or drinking hot chocolate. Although many people don't like the cold, further the cold of Korea, Jihyun loves winter, snow mainly.

Stars - Jihyun likes to see the stars, especially when the sky is full of it. She usually stay seeing the stars out of her bedroom window in the night, and keep dreaming several things.

Music - She just loves music. If she could, spent the whole day listening to music.

Watch TV - Jihyun likes to watch TV, especially dramas. Her favorite drama is Personal Taste and she loves Lee Min Ho acting.

Bunnies - Jihyun very fond of bunnies, mainly whites, which resulted in her nickname "Bunny Hyun"

Skinship - Another thing that may not look it, but Jihyun loves. Jihyun is constantly hugging people or using other skinships with everyone, even boys. She still is very used to the habits of america and is called the "Queen of unconscious skinships".


dislikes — Fake people - One of the things that Jihyun more hate is fake people. She always wonders why people are so fake.

Smoke - Jihyun hates smoke, it always makes her coughing a lot and she gets dizzy after inhaling smoke.

Vegetables - Despite loving food, she doesn't like some vegetables. She finds it tasteless.


Cry - She hates to seem weak, especially in front of someone, will keep her sadness to herself and then cry alone in a place that nobody can find her.


Bullying - Jihyun hates physical aggression. She always says " Why hurt someone physically if God gave us the power of speech? "


Lies - Jihyun not understand purpose of lying. She hates liars and will be sure to ignore the person who is lying to her.


Mistakes - Jihyun hate mistakes, so always try to be the best at everything. She will not judge someone who makes mistakes, but she hates her own mistakes and also the dumb mistakes that people can commit sometimes.


Tasks - She hates any kind of manual task. That's not to her.


hobbies — Buying 



Playing piano and guitar 

Write in her diary 

Ride a bicycle



Watching TV.


habits — Biting lips


Walking from one side to the other when she's nervous or anxious.


Roll her eyes when she's not interested in hearing or when the person speaks a silly.


Waking up in the night to catch food in the fridge.


She claps when she's laughing.


Inflate the cheeks when she's bored.


Talking nonsense while sleeping.


Throwing objects in random places or punch something when she's angry.


Sleeping always hugging something, Jihyun hug what is closer to her. Already hugged even a person.


Read a book or watch a movie when she's not sleepy.


She sings some songs to calm down.

fears — Height - She thinks she will fall, so she has a super fear.


Insects - Not afraid. She feels only disgust.


Shrimp - Jihyun is allergic and because of having already stopped in hospital after eating one, left her with fear.


trivias — Has a dog called Chom.


She likes a lot of photographs and so always takes her camera everywhere. She is always taking pictures of landscapes or selcas of herself .


Jihyun not know how to lie or hide surprises. She stutters a lot and can't look directly for the person, and often ends up revealing.


Can't cook very well and has burned through even a simple ramem.


Like to eat cookies and drink milk before bed.


Is always writing in her diary.


She isn't the type of person who gets embarrassed easily, but she blushes easily.


Jihyun is very strong for a girl. Only those who took a slap of Jihyun, know how she can be strong.


Never gave her first kiss. She also never been in love, for this reason, she don't know the feeling when is in love.


She can be quite erted at times.


Can't do aegyo well.


She know how to be more " y " than being cute.


She has a very low immunity therefore gets sick easily.


Has a good sense of justice and is always defending who she likes or even taking the blame for them.


Can be sharp tongue, but it's all in the verbal part, because she hates physical violence. Jihyun would never do anything bad to anyone, even if they hate that person, she would never hurt anyone physically.


Although not like to hurt anyone, by having a large force, sometimes hurts people just kidding. She will always apologize after.


She makes friends with more boy than girl. She thinks the personality of some girls are annoying.


She has had a boyfriend but he cheated on her. After discovering, she was so angry that almost threw the boy by the stairs. Then she said to him that she didn't love him anyway. This is technically true, since she only accepted because he had asked and how she thought he was cool, she accepted but did not love him. 


She does not have much patience with things and is defined as impatient, depending on the situation .


She always goes shopping to buy new clothes or shoes ( high heels ) when she tires of her clothes and her shoes.


Like of bears, and always sleeps with a teddy bear, which she gave the name Chocobear, because he is brown.


Ever been hospitalized for a week after eating shrimp.


She did ballet for 7 years old on the 12 years. Then she began to take dance lessons with other styles.


She is always with her Iphone and headphones.


She knows how to draw (at least she thinks).


Her ideal type is a boy who can be comfortable with her.

i will protect her - infinite

family — 

— Sophia Jung | Mother | 42 | Company's owner | Alive

— Jung Tae Suk | Father | 45 | Company's owner | Alive

just look at me - boyfriend

friends — 

— Lee Mi Rae | Best-friend | 17 | student | Alive

— Kim Min Ho | Best Guy-friend | 18 | student | Alive
Jung Min Hee | Friend | 18 | Student | Alive
Choi Siwon | Friend | 21 | Actor | Alive

give love, give me some love - akdong musician

love interest — Exo's Luhan

backup love interest — Exo's Kai

NAME — Luhan

BIRTHDATE — 20/04/1997


personality — How can we describe the personality of Luhan? It's easy, but at the same time complicated. This boy with doe eyes is an example of manly boy ... Or should I say that no? Well, just he thinks it's manly, but the only thing people can see him, is a cute and friendly boy. No matter how many times Luhan say that he's manly, almost anyone will believe him. Has been mistaken for a girl and her eyes are what draws the most attention to him. Awn! This kid is really a perfect person. He thinks he is a tough person, but if someone gets hurt, he will be the first to help. Therefore, Luhan is considered a gentle and very friendly boy. Although he is a bit shy in front of the cameras, he makes friends very easily.


Luhan is a super polite boy, perhaps therefore that everyone, especially his sunbaes, like him so much. He never ceases to be polite to anyone, but he is still a very playful boy. When he be with the his brothers or his friends, or someone he is close, he will be a totally different Luhan. Luhan will entertain everyone with his pranks and jokes. And even his laugh is contagious to everyone, although it is very funny. His baby face is one of the things that call attention in Luhan. But he hates to admit him is beautiful and will get really angry if someone says it in front of him. This boy is just weird! But his beauty is not the only good thing in Luhan. He has great talent and likes to show them various ways. He's good at almost everything you think, even to solve a rubik's cube, he is good. Luhan is a perfect boy. Who would not want a boyfriend like him?


relationshipThey don't have a very good relationship, especially since Jihyun did not want him or his brothers worked in the cafe. For Jihyun, he's just a little annoying and innocent boy. While for Luhan, she is just a tough and rebellious girl who always does what she wants. When these two are together, nothing is quite right. They argue constantly and older are always having to reprimand them. Jihyun usually always starts with the discussion because she likes to see the angry boy and she knows how much he is innocent, which makes it more fun watching him. She finds he cute, like a baby, but just do not admit it to herself.

why are you shaking up my heart - bangtan boys

comments/suggestions — Sorry grammar errors, is that I am Brazilian and my English isn't very good. Any error in the application can warn me I stand corrected. I hope you like me ^.^

scene requestsThe girls and the boys discuss to see who would wash the dishes and ends in a little war of water. The owner arrives and is surprised to see everything wet. He gets very angry and makes everyone (including their own sons) stay all night, cleaning the cafe.


It is raining heavily and Jihyun forgot the umbrella at home. She gets inside the cafe waiting for the rain to stop, but it seems increasingly worsening. Luhan who is leaving, saw Jihyun standing at the door and when he left, he realized that she had probably forgotten umbrella. He would not help, but his heart told him to just go to her and offer her umbrella. Luhan offers, but Jihyun don't agree, talking she will feel guilty if he catches a cold because of the rain. After much discussion, the two end up sharing the umbrella.


Minho will visit Jihyun at the cafe. Luhan sees them chatting amiably and feels something strange in his heart. He does not really know what it was, but he knows he felt a sudden rage when he saw them. That was the day he began to feel differently about Jihyun.


When Jihyun see Luhan talking and laughing with one of her friends, she feels a different feel and she knows she is jealous, but do not understand why to be feeling it. She also begins to feel differently about Luhan.


When Luhan and Jihyun discover they are in love with each other, they will start to argue a lot because of jealousy.  But they don't have courage to confess and just keep to themselves, making jealous increase.


A friendly date between Minho and Jei. Luhan sees and begins to spy on them.


The owner gives a day off for the girls and boys, for go to the amusement park. Although they have gone for fun, almost every time the two groups were arguing about everything else.


Luhan confesses his love for Jihyun in the rain. (I love scenes in the rain lol)

password — " Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. " - Mother Teresa

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