Studying Vs. Writing

            Sooo, lately I'm really having a hard time. I want to do so many things, but I find myself having little to no time. Next week I gotta take three important exams that are going to play a big part in my future, especially when it comes to getting a job or going to university. My inspiration is back and it's really difficult dealing with it. I have so many ideas that are running through my head and it makes it really hard to concentrate on what I've got to study.

            Right now, I'm sitting in the middle of the bed, watching Dexter on TV and drinking Coca Cola. At the same time, I am writing a new chapter for my latest story and my worries are killing me. I can't tell anyone in real life, because I feel like I'd be a burden or I'd get even more scared. My parents want me to finish my exams with the best grades/marks and are constantly asking me if I study enough and so on. I don't know how to drop it on them that I don't think I'll be able to make their wishes come true. I know I can get good or acceptable results, but I'm also having a mini-heartattack when I'm thinking that there's a possible case in which I fail. I don't want to disappoint them or let myself down, because I used to be such a good student, but now I'm getting lazy and I can't find the importance of it all. I mean I watch TV and talk to others who are older than me and the things they are saying just take away all my will power to go on. They graduate from amazing highschools and have great files and go to the best universities, but still end up not finding a proper job or at least one related to what they've studied.

            Life can be sometimes so harsh and merciless. We work so hard and so much when the chances of fulfilling our dreams are minimal. Too cruel. Just stop.


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