Secretly Greatly

My sister told me to watch Secretly Greatly..she said "I'll watch it with you, AGAIN"

but man , she a spoiler!!!! " he only acts as idiot for a mission", "they will both die", "that one is the traitor," oh, that one is an ally" " Kim Soo Hyun is great", Kim Soo Hyun is the most handsome idiot "

urgh!!!!! i wanna kick her , really!!!! and then half way through the movie she said " you watch alone, i already watched that anyway"

after telling me everything she just leaves me there... 




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Idk if I'm spoiling this for you but omg...Kim Soohyun and Lee Hyunwoo ;A;
I cried at the near end when I saw what happened to them at the end, I wasted so many tissues~