RANT... about food.

okay, I'm tired.

Today, I decided to be dumb and make a recipe that I was hoping to make for a while. At college, I never made food for myself because I needed to use my meal plan. So, I decided to make dumplings (I went off of a Korean mandu recipe because I made potato dumplings before) for the first time today. ugh.

Not only did I have to go out and get ingredients (with my money), but I also made it all by myself without any help. I felt proud and accomplished, but definitely tired and slightly disappointed. At one point, all the dumplings were sticking together and I had to separate them and ruined the pretty designs I made. Grrrr.

I have the suspicion that they aren't going to taste well. I was preparing for over 3 hours without break and I'm going to serve them for dinner and cook them for my family. I hope they like them because I enjoy cooking. Some of my family thinks it's kind of strange that I like to cook international dishes (especially Asian, since I'm a white, European rooted, American girl). But my father is definitely supportive and is definitely excited to try it! Years ago before I was born, he went to South Korea for mutltiple business trips and enjoyed the cuisine and culture. Can't wait to hear what he says!

but other than that, I'm really tired for standing for hours. I was going to write tonight, but I'm too exhausted. Although, the cooking has me thinking of writing some fic based off of cooking or baking. Hmmm .... :)





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oh-tea-twelve #1
oooh that sounds nice! ∩(´∀`)∩
so, how did it go? ¦:3