50 Questions (stolen by SehunsYeobo)

1:What are you wearing?
-Pj's I just woke up
2:Ever been in love?
3:Ever had a terrible breakup?
4:How tall are you?
5:How much do you weigh?
-Not telling
6:Any tattoos do you want?
-I used to want one. 
7:Any piercings that you want?
-No I already have some.
9:Favorite Show?
-Idk there's a lot of shows I like
10:Favorite bands?
-The list goes on......
11:Something you miss?
-I don't miss anything, but I miss my BFF :(
12:Favorite song?
-Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang
13:How old are you?
14:Zodiac sign?
15:Hair Color?
16:Favorite Quote?
17:Favorite singer?
-The list goes on.......
18:Favorite color?
-Blue, black 
19:Loud music or soft?
20:Where do you go when you're sad?
-My room
21:How long does it take you to shower?
-about 30 min
22:How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
-about 20 min
23:Ever been in a physical fight?
-Yeah I won
24:Turn on?
-Maybe aegyo? Idk
25:Turn off?
-Maybe flirts? Idk
26:The reason I joined Tumblr?
-I don't have Tumblr
-Getting an F......can't think of anymore....
28:Last thing that made you cry?
-The Fault In Our Stars movie
29:Last time you cried?
-Like the beginning of this month I think.
30:Meaning behind your url
31:Last book you read?
-A comic. Bong Chong Dong Ghost!
32:Last song you listened to?
-Wet the Bed by, Chris Brown
33:Last show you watched?
-WGM Wooyoung<3Seyoung! ^^
34:Last person you talked to?
-My baby bro. 
35:The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
-BFF :(
36:Favorite food?
-Bubble Tea, Korean BBQ, Filipino food...
37:Place you want to visit?
-South Korea....and...everywhere
38:Last place you were?
-Other than my house...the park
39:Do you have a crush?
40:Last time you kissed someone?
-My baby bro...and that was this morning when he woke up.
41:Last time you were insulted and what was it?
-My sis called me a wimp cuz we were at the park and there was this thing that u sit on and someone has to spin u. Yeah, I fell off cuz I got so dizzy. But it was so funny tho. Lol
42:What color underwear are you wearing?
-Err...white? Wtf...
43:What color shirt are you wearing?
44:What color bottoms are you wearing?
45:Wearing any bracelets?
-Right now? No
46:Last sport you played?
-Tetherball. I have one in my backyard.
47:Last song you sang?
-Wet the Bed by, Chris Brown
48:Last prank call you remember doing?
-I told my friend I was outside her window. Hehe
49:Last time you hung out with anyone?
-My BFF's birthday party
50:Favorite movie?
-Right now it's The Fault In Our Stars.


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I haven't heard that "Wet the Bed" song by CB. I think I'm gonna check it out. XD
Omo! You have a Tether ball? I wanna play!!!
I WANT TO steal this….but i am too lazy ugh T__T (too much typing for me ) O_O