Getting to know you and your classmates

Hello, my name is chara. I'm eighteen turning nineteen soon. I'm only child and living alone near my university. I'm studying psychology and i pretty much enjoyed it. I love simplicity and tiny stuff. I developed so much interest on interior designing since high schools but i don't do well on arts. I enjoyed volunteering and I almost spend almost my time on it aside from studying. I’ve visited a few countries for volunteering mission such as Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia. I’m a food lover. You can serve me anything but not a crab and exotics food. 

I like ballad, jazz and country genre. I also like indie, specifically, Korean indies such as vanilla acoustics, clazziquai, and epitone project.  My truly obsession is books. I’ve read various genres of books, from teen to mature contents. But as I grew, I think I am more to romances (or mature), self-enrichment and non-fictional genres. My favorite novelist is e.l james, syvia day, Amanda hocking, khaled hosseini etc.  I tend to watch various genre of drama, from melodrama to historical, korean drama to japanese drama. 

Well, that’s a simple introduction from me. I can’t form more words on introductory.., well, because I’m not good on it.  Sorry if I bore you (teachers). Thank you for reading. 


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Nicely written:D You have received your 5 points! And thank you so much for like following all the rules~ Hopefully it wasn't that much! And welcome again to Language Case!
Hi Chara! I love simplicity and tiny things as well. They are too cute, and the beauty of simple things continue to amaze me. I love so much kinds of food, I'd probably have a food dictionary in my hands. That's very interesting, I've never even heard of some of those bands! I used to love reading books until I started going on here and writing stories myself, haha. Dramas are good indeed, no? No worries! And you're very welcome!