first post!

can we just talk about how good taeyangs doing this year with his new album rise i love it so much its so amazing

he has an amazing singing vioce , but also has an awesome rapping talent

and who can forget his dancing , i mean he worked really hard on his album and you can tell by listining to any of his songs not just his album

i mean i just think that it is so awesome that he can pull off a bunch of music styles , he can do rap,singing,mixed with some trap or dubstep and boom!!! another awesome song by taeyang

like im not obbsessed (sorry if i spelled it wrong) with him but i do admire his work and his devotion

and im also real excited for bigbang to come out with some new songs i feel they are gonna step it up a little bit ,not saying their music is bad but they haven't come out with a new song in a while and also exo but i havent been keeping with the whole kris thing so i guess we just have to wait and see ^ ^ ?


hope you liked my first blog post!


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