Getting to know you and your classmates

First of all,I would like to say hi ^^

You can call me Tatul and I'm going to be 20 this year. I'm from Brunei,which is a small country in Southeast Asia. I'm Malay and a Muslim. People often mistook me as a chinese tho XD That was probably because my late great grandfather was indeed chinese. Why am i the only one in my family member who look like Chinese? I have no idea lol

When I was little my grandfather enrolled me in a chinese school.I studied there from kindergarten until primary 6.After that,I transferred to government school, at which my usage of mandarin decreases.Hence the main reason why I enrolled in this class eventhough I already know how to speak Mandarin was because when it's been a long time since I left my chinese school and since then,I didn't use Mandarin as much anymore.Thus,my fluency in Mandarin became rusty and now I could only managed to read only some basic chinese characters

I can speak multiple languages,of course with different fluency level.I can speak Malay ( Bruneian Malay,Standard Malay(malaysia) and Bahasa Indonesia), English , Mandarin, understand a little cantonese (which i've learn from watching HK dramas when i was young) and basic Korean.

Currently in love with the color black and red and craving for macaroons. An aspiring graphic designer who still need a lot of practice and a book addict.You cannot leave me in the bookstore because I can go nuts and grab all the books in my wishlist.HAHA

Oh, not only i enjoy listening to kpop,i also like to listen to english song,especially by D.Lovato,Ari.Grande and Lawson (they are awesome I tell you).





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Nicely written:D You have received your 5 points! And thank you so much for like following all the rules~ Hopefully it wasn't that much! And welcome again to Language Case!
Hi there too^^ I've been to the Brunei airport, so yay, I know where Brunei is. Haha, Wu Chun is from there too, if you know him. That's so nice that you have Chinese descent. It will definitely help you in learning Chinese as you had been in contact with the language. Wow, I guess I learned something new today too as Malay has different dialects! Haha, I need to touch up on my Canto too.. When I was little, I could never get out of a bookstore as well! That's great, I bet they are!