
i don't know why but i'm so tired.

i feel like falling asleep at any moment.

i don't know what i'm doing but it's indeed not good.


i've still requested fics and i'm going to finish them (i always say this but it's true) but i can't really go further than writing like 500 words for a short time because i've other things to do.

and it's not only this.

i also have those ideas to start other fics and it's making me go insane.


i want to do so many things but apparently i can't because i'm not capable of it now.


it's so frustrating but what should i do?


(what i life i have here. sometimes i do think i'm just pathetic because i always thought like this and it's hard to think something else.)


nonetheless, i'm trying, okay?

so, even though time is the biggest  struggle on earth i'm going to make it ... eventually ... i think i will ... (omg i'm so stupid.)



so, yeah.

i'm sorry for this.

just needed to get this out of my system.


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platinumbrain #1
Omg. I know how you feel. I always get these ideas for new fics from real life events that just happen to me. And I think it's easy at first, but then BAM! I get stuck on how I should write it. Sleep more my friend.