( ▽ ⋮ 팀 델타 — chomkwan armondee

birth name — chomkwan aromdee
other names — aromdee, kwon ; his korean name used by pretty much everyone except his dad and granny
nicknames — 
jo kwon |  used by his friends because chomkwan kinda sounds like jo kwon. plus chomwan is a huge 2am fan
chom chom |  used by his brother when he wants to tease chomkwan
birthdate — 18 may 1996
birthplace — bangkok, thailand
hometown — seoul, south korea

ethnicity — thai
languages — 
native  | korean
proficient enought to not pay attention to subtitles|  japanese
so basic that it's embarrassing  |  thai

faceclaim — song chan ho
back-up faceclaim — lee chi hoon

height — 167cm (but he wears insoles and insists he's at least 172cm)
weight — 57kg
blood type — o+

+ personality traits — whimsical, passionate, honest, charismatic, affectionate, adventurous, brave [7]
– personality traits — dumb, over-dramatic, blunt, annoying, ditzy, ungainly, cry-baby [7]
timeline — 
may 1996 to december 1996  |  thailand
december 1996 to present  |  south korea
family members — 
father  |  ti nung cha armondee  — university teacher — closeness [ 3 on a good day ] 
mother (deceased)  |  thong kao traivut —  housewife — closeness [ 8 ] 
granny  |  charoenrasamee chiwpreecha  —  retired — closeness [ 10 ] 

big brother  |  tinsulaanada armondee  — waitor — closeness [ 7 ] 
likes — 
▪  anime & manga ; pfft n-no he's not a weeaboo! wh-why'd you think that??
▪  buggies ; they are his friends and are an important part of our ecosystem!! please don't hurt his friends!!
▪  plants ; they're home to his little buggies
▪  b1a4 ; b1a4 is love, b1a4 is life
▪  snakes ; they're his favorite animal why is everyone so afraid of snakes they're just limbless babies
▪  homemade soup ; it's his favorite food if you want to win him over just make homemade soup
▪  canned soup ; what is wrong with you why would you do this to yourself??
▪  talking to his dad ; everything is just really awkward between them
hobbies —
▪ state 'hobby' here [ use ▪ as bullets; shift+enter to add more. min. 1. ]
other facts
▪ most of the japanese he knows is actually from watching anime because he is a giant nerd
▪ he can go from nerd to total babe in like 0.1 seconds and it all depends on if his hair is fluffed up or not.
▪ has no luck when it comes to haircuts literally every haircut he's ever gotten has been awful
▪ really dislikes his lips because compared to the others, they're so weird looking (especially when he smiles) so he always covers his smile with the back of his hand
▪ uses the word "literally" too much
▪ often feels out of touch with his cultural identity
▪ was on kpop star 3 but was voted off after the fourth round


stage name — kwonee
stage persona — the adorkable vocal

position — main vocal, dancer
back-up position — lead vocal, visual

personal fanclub name — be creative!
personal fanclub colors — state hex code.
training years — 3 years

singing twin — lee taeil (eric nam)
dancing twin —  include back-up in brackets.
rapping twin — 

networking accounts — 
twitter  |  deltakwonee 
instagram  |  kwonee

comments — 
thank you—nay—bless your soul for not making me write up a character background i hate those and they're the main reason i never finish any apps tbh
suggestions — i.e. show, scene suggestions.
requests  — i.e. interactions with love interest etc.

chomkwan pouting about how he dislikes his lips, and his love interest planting kisses all over his face while saying, "i love them so much, though," and finally kissing chomkwan on the lips after he says "though"
anything else? — read the cheatsheet, love.

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© coded by xenophobic. do not steal.


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yogurtlegs #1
yaaas thai boy sweg~ e v e