AFF Quiz! (tagged by NoonaPerv)

1. How long have you been on Asianfanfics?

  • I joined like one year ago, I think :)

2. How many stories have you written?

  • Nineteen stories. Sixteen of them are completed, one is still in process, and two of them will never be updated - I should delete them, by the way. But I'm gonna post two oneshots soon!


3. What is your favourite fanfic that you've read?

I'd say Be Loved by Vampyreunnie or Revolution by purpleskies. They're not really the ones I had fun reading, but they left a deep impression on me and I try not to think about them too much everyday because it moves me a lot.
Otherwise, the fanfic I loved reading the most is Office Antics by Areumdaeun!


4. What do you love seeing in stories?

  • Actually, I don't read a lot of fanfics. But I like , obviously, and humour. I don't read angst - that is, I try not to. But I like friendships that turn into simple love, and unpretentious feelings. Realist things. I also like it when people add characters that aren't all magically in a relationship, or foreign characters. I think I like realistic stories, that don't feel like just fanfictions where everyone is gay? However I don't read het fics! Never!

5. What do you hate seeing in stories?

  • I literally HATE it when people spend two hours describing someone's clothes because it gives the feeling they had such a precise idea of that in mind... I mean, I once read a SHINee fanfic where the boys were going outside and the author described their clothes in every member after the other... I don't know, it just feels weird. Unless you're writing about special clothing (some kink idk), a fashion story or something like that...please let the reader imagine what they like.
    This is hard to explain because I tend to describe briefly clothes too, since I have images in my head as well. But being too precise feels like you're writing for yourself. Okay forget all of that.


6. Name three things you love about Asianfanfics.

Everyone is so nice! I've made amazing friends :D
Ehh, there are a lot of different stories.
And...I'd say it's easy to chat.


7. Name three things you hate about Asianfanfics.

  • SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. The "members only" function can be useful. The "friends only" as well. But subscribers only...ahh, don't get me started on it.
    People who unsubscribe once a story is completed.
    People who advertise their stories on everyone's wall all. the. time. I'm sorry, it won't make me want to read it, especially if you're being aggressive.

8. What is your favourite pairing to read?

  • Hunhan is my OTP but I don't read a lot of Hunhan because I'm emotional and I think you can guess what happens then. But I love Sekai (), Sekailu (), Chanlu (), Chanhun (), Kaisoo (), Kaiyeol (), Kailu (), Sesoo (), Kyunghan (), and...??
    Just kidding. I love fluffy oneshots of all these pairings. But I don't read Hunhan, no. Except my friends' stories!



9. What is your favourite genre of story?

  • Fluff, .


10. How often do you go on Asianfanfics?

  • Everyday, and I never log off because ehh my computer is like that. Otherwise, I check the site from time to time?


11. Who is your best friend on AFF?

  • Asdjkl hard to say. One of my first friends was DulceMinnie, my umma. Then there was NoonaPerv, SugarPopFiction, Belgexotic, Snukey-B, mykpopaddiction, selubrication, semeluke, honey-sempai...and of course, Taemiyu and Sayoko ♥
    I don't have a BEST friend.



12. Who is your favourite Author?

Don't. I don't have one.


13. Where do you come from?

  • France! I live near Paris.


14. If you could change anything on AFF what would it be?

  • I'd be the best author on the website.
    Oh wait.
  • I already am B) #swag
    I wouldn't really do anything. It's fine this way.



15. What is your biggest peeve?

  • About stories? Or life in general? Let's say it's about stories, and without hesitating, I say TYPOS. No matter how many times I proof-read my fics, I always miss one or two.


16. Which group do you mostly read about on AFF?

  • ​EXO lol


17. What is your favourite narritive to use in your stories?

  • Third person. First person isn't unpleasant, but it feels pretentious and often capricious, childish sometimes. It has to be used carefully.

18. What is your most disliked sort of story?

I AM m a r r i e d TO BYUN BAEKHYUN?!?!##11<33
Yeah, I'm sorry this is really mean. But I hate it when the title says everything :)




19. What age are you?

  • I'm 15 years old, born in January.



Tag people to take the quiz as well. And add a Question onto the list.

1. Sayoko

2. mykpopaddiction

3. Snukey-B

4. semeluke

5. selubrication

6. honey-sempai

7. Taemiyu

8. SugarPopFiction

My Question : Who the hell paid you to take this quiz if you did?





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Awww je suis dans la liste d'amis, how cute!
also ily juliane <33333
Be Loved is a really good story, yes, omg :)

For the describing clothes, I think it's up to the writer actually...since they're in control here. But yeah, they don't need to go on--like, they can but it's not ABSOLUTELY necessary to go deep about cashmere sweaters and off the shoulder shirts. Sometimes casual drop in hints about it are good enough as well when they match the character's personality or attitude.

I check aff everyday too xD

same about typos, I feel you SUCH A PAIN ;_;

hm, I might do this. Even though I'm not really active anymore.
i Would never read a hetero or you×bias fic and love fluffy and genres.