
So its been awhile&&most of you havent

heard of me in awhile,

I was stuck on a iphone, I've been

busy for the past 3 weeks,

I had reviews&&exams and I still have

a meeting to attende later on today, and I moved again

even though I just moved 5 months ago

But yea, how are all of you guys?

Im fine :) I sprained my ankle the 2nd time in 3 months

Im pretty sure I passed to the next grade,

Im happy about it but Im not happy about only going to grade 10

My friend (Lets call him K) graduates on Friday (This week)

and we jus somehow started talk on the 2nd last week of school

and since he is done school&Im still in school hes sad about it

and so am I, and I do kind of like him, but since my friend likes him

I dont know what to do, but last week on thursday we were

chilling by a bridge while I was babysitting heres what happened:

I got to the bridge first before K so the kids and I went under it

because people fish under the bridge, and they wanted to go sit in the shade,

so I took them under it then went back up to see if he was coming

and about 15 minutes later he did and he gave me a hug as if we were like REALLY close

(and thats how we really feel) adn then he said sorry for making me

wait "long" but I was okay with it because I would have been late

if teh kids werent in a rush t go see the fish swim in the water

and yea, anyways after awhile we went under the bridge and after I sat down K

sat down near me but since there was people around we just talked

then K started to show me some funny videos, and I was just smiling and laughuing

away with him and its just stupid videos, but I love his smile and laugh and

we were sitting really close to each other after the other people left

and then we started throwing rocks into the water and K was skipping rock

and we found a rock that looks like thing from Night In The Museam

the one that asks for gum all the time and I put inside his sweater polet but he

didnt know then K said "Wanna go to the other side?" So I nodded and we wnt on the

other side and watching one person fish, and talked, and he was suprised to

find out, Im a gamer, I play drums, I also play pokemon, war draft, world craft

mindcraft, yu-gi-yo, and sing a little and that I was proud of it :D

anyways K was sad because I told him I leave the next day

and so was I because we just met and he called me a awesome girl ^_^

and we spent a whole 6 hours at the brigde, we also watched the sunset :3

then he walked me home wiith the kids and when I say my grandpa

he didnt say anything about K, like ask who that is, what hes doing here, ect.

but instead he yelled out for me to not go home after 1am

so we want around teh block about 2 times and he gave me another hug, and I kissed

him on the cheek then let go of the hug before taking a few steps closer to my driveway

turned around and looked at him beofre stopping and ran after him, and back hugged

him then he stood in one place and turned around and hugged me as well, at the same time

K said 'Dont Go." And I said 'I dont wanna go." then we both let go then started walking

our own ways,


and Friday night I phoned him unexpectidly and we were talking non-stop

for an hour then he said, "You sound tired so I'll let you go mssage me before you fall asleep."

then we both ung up adn I messaged him then at close to 4 I fell asleep and I woke up

to a message from him :D it was cute

He said "Since youre asleep, goodnight :) and incase Goodmorning :)"


Hes going to look for a job before going to colleage/univercity so he can get him licence

and I told him he should come to univercity thats in the same city as me so we

can see each other when we have time :D


So how's life? Nd sorry I made you read all this :c



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That's the sweetest thing I read in my whole life!