thank you tumblr !! :D (from an author)

Every day I usually check tumblr. I don't usually use my tumblr unless I find something extremely funny, and its usually exo related. This is also how I find my favorite fics as well.

This morning, checking tumblr, I checked the #baekchen tag and OH MA GAWD GUYS. Irritable Heart WAS RECOMMENDED BY AN ANON ON CHENFICS!!!!!! (I preface, I was not the anon (no shameless plugging here) because I don't use tumblr that often.)

I never thought that I would log in on tumblr and see my fic recommended. Whenever I see fics that are recommended, I always saw the really good ones from authors that I was inspired by. Now it's amazing to see, and I didn't even expect it. Thank you anon that recommended it and thanks to all my readers, because WOW GUYS- THIS IS JUST A HOBBY! I'm not a professional writer and I do it just for fun, so thank you!

WOOOOO~ (I'm rolling on the floor in happiness)


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Aww congrats :D
nanchee95 #2
Congratulations!!!!! That's really awesome :)