Sorry For No Updates, BUT...

With the factory and my website, my schedule's been pretty FULL. BUT, that aside, meaning yeah, I'm gonna have to MAKE time for my fics since I don't wanna leave you guys hanging, I have great news!

1) I'm going to participate in the Taeyang Eyes, Nose, Lips Cover Project. 

2) I'm going to KCON! Whoo! I got a job, money, and its far enough away right now that if I tell my work about it I can get it off! Hooray! I'll be there with my friends from Kmusic! 

Updates will be soon. I just started watching Korean shows again. I started with 'Roommate' Bommie is so CUTE! and Chanyeol <3 such cutie pies! UGH! Life ruiners! 


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