
As I've previously announced, I will be taking a break from fanfic writing. I've been exhausted with trying to keep up with things.
It's becoming a bit difficult to write for me, I've been suffering from depression. I generally suffer from it, but lately it's gotten pretty bad. I'm working hard to get past it, but it takes time. Please bare with me on that.

I need to figure some things out. I need to gather up my cash for my KCON ticket. Sadly, that's causing further depression because I'm just short of the amount I need. It's so discouraging!

I’m considering selling many of my photocards and/or kpop albums.

Anyway, If you’d like to keep in touch while I’m away. I have IG, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.

So, just ask and I will get back to you!


I love you all! I will be back soon, I promise.



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xit1810 #1
Rest well and stay strong. Myself and probably countless others here are more than willing to help out or are here if you ever feel like talking and not just for serious things but silly weird things that will hopefully make you smile again. <33333333 :)
From experience I know there is not much I can say to help you with depression. Plus I don't need to mention how amazing is Insomnia--- it's only one of the few fics I look forward to reading even if it hasn't been updated for a long time.
Take your time to figure stuff out
I would recommend becoming more active to avoid over thinking bcz thinking usually fules depression
I love your Insomnia and would love to see it updated, but I would rather that you were ok. I've been abut of a silent reader, and I'm sorry about that, Insomnia is amazing. I read the first 10~ chapters at once, loved them so much! prolly cried a lot, and then subbed, and I've been reading ever since. You create such realistic characters, and keep the same overall writing style. It is such an amazing thing to be able to do that. I've been writing for some time, but nothing I've done comes close to the incredible writing that you have. That is such a gift.

I'm not depressed, and I don't know what that is like. I've had small spells of sadness/misery/negativity though.

Stay strong, I'm here for you, what ever you need just ask.

Love, Nika
Don't worry about a thing. As I tell everyone, YOU come first. Do what you need to, for you, then you do for others. Take all the time you need. And, you know I'll do whatever I can to help relieve some of the stress. Just let me know.

And I would like to add you on Facebook. =)

Love you bunches. <3
take your time \(^_^)/
i'll be waiting ;)
get well soon :)
KouAkira #6
It's ok. Keep on fighting!! But please don't push yourself too much. Ok? Your health is first thing I think you should keep it well.

About fanfic, I'll wait! :)