❣ CUPID 〉do-it-my-way leader sanshin.

❣ CUPID 〉application.
Do-it-my-Way Leader | Sanshin
full name — kwon minwoo 퀀민워
other names — none
nicknames — 
+ minnie :: anyone :: because it's more adorable than minwoo.
+ tall-min :: anyone :: because he's ridiculously tall by korean standards.
+ woo-er :: sandeul, b1a4 (but mostly sandeul) :: because he's constantly trying to woo jinyoung into loving him back, and sandeul at nicknaming.
birthdate + age — october 30th, 1991 + 22
birth place + hometown — seoul, south korea
ethnicity — korean
languages —
+ korean :: native language :: he speaks with a seoul dialect normally, but he also knows how to speak with a daegu dialect because he had to use it for a film he was doing pre-debut.
faceclaim — lee jongsuk
backup faceclaim — jung il woo
height + weight — 188cm + 65kg
blood type — o
extras — 
+ he has a distinct little mole under the corner of his right eye.
+ no real tattoos, but he gets fake ones drawn on a lot, usually on his neck or at joints.
+ he does have pierced ears, though he rarely wears earrings. 
style —
being a model pre-debut, it's only natural that minwoo is a total fashionista at heart. he loves to play up his style and dresses to impress. anything that brings out his eyes, makes his smile look that much more dazzling, emphasizes his long limbs and adonis-worthy body -- these are the clothes that fill minwoo's closet. the boy has no qualms about showing off skin, despite not having defined chocolate abs, so he'll wear very light layers in warmer months, usually just a tank top and shorts, and a nice watch. he loves jackets of all kinds, and usually has one on him, and he'll carry a bag with him often that's filled with all the essentials like his wallet, bottles of water, snacks for s, and a variety of skin care products. formally, minwoo dresses as upscale as possible; full tuxedo with a tail coat and a fresh rose pinned by the lapel.
personality — traits :: forceful, adamant, bossy, lazy, sincere, charming, confident, sociable

minwoo is the kind of person that works independent of everyone's wills. he is a stubborn, steadfast kind of guy who rarely lets go of his own opinions on a matter, and doesn't bother with listening to opposing views or compromise. it's his way, or the high way, and usually because of his intimidating figure and power, he gets his way. as a child, he had everything he wanted, so he grew up without knowing how to submit to others, or how to even consider that he might be wrong about something. he is very forceful, and will use both words and brute strength to make others do as he wants. it's at least lucky that he's a pretty responsible person, so usually when he's leading other people around to make them follow his orders, he'll be able to accomplish whatever he's supposed to do. even if there's a better way to do it, he'll be adamant about having his own ideas carried out, even if they are more impractical.

despite being responsible, minwoo is a lazy kind of leader. he doesn't do work he doesn't think he has to do, and will use his age, status, or just his charms to get other people to do what he wants. in this way, he is a bossy person, and will often push his own share of chores onto his dongsaengs or find a way to avoid it all together until someone else does them. he doesn't like to push himself unless it's his decision to make something happen, so more often than not he'll lounge around and merely 'supervise' when other people are doing things.

minwoo does have his good points though, despite the fact that he can come off as a stubborn, lazy a--hole. minwoo is a sociable person. with a lot of natural talent for getting along with people, he easily approaches strangers and knows how to charm the pants off of just about anyone at first sight. while his headstrong nature can be a turn off to some people, the way he presents himself as a confident, powerful person is attractive to most others, particularly those who lack his kind of traits. he carries himself proudly, and has this air of utmost comfort in being who he is, without letting any outside forces disrupt his flow.

lastly, minwoo is also an exceptionally sincere person. he has no trouble giving 100% of himself to anything that he chooses to. when he's driven, or opinionated about something, you can bet that everything he says is true (at least in his head), to the point of being nearly a fault. he will not hold back being honest about his particular views, or how he truly feels about someone else or a certain way of thinking. his actions very rarely have ulterior motives, and if he truly cares about you, he'll do his best to take care of your well-being.

this is best seen when he's around s -- he cherishes them as friends and holds himself responsible for their well being. he won't take anyone saying bad things about them, and is always there to protect them, or offer them a shoulder of support. even if he'll boss them around in the dormitory because he's lazy, he'll never let them down on the stage or in practice, always keeping on top of their health and happiness. he's the type of leader who would easily stand up to their manager if he thinks they're being pushed too hard, and take s out for dinner on a whim, his treat. while he has no intention of ever giving in to them if what they want is different from what he believes, he will still act out of good intent. he honestly thinks he knows what's best, so he'll carry through with it. perhaps he goes too far (quite often in fact), but at least it's out of good will right? minwoo can be a little hard to get along with because of his attitude, but at least at the core, he truly cares.

background —
minwoo grew up in a well-to-do family, that could easily be considered rich. with his mother being a model and actress, and his father a solo artist who had topped the charts in his youth, minwoo was raised in a situation that basically let him have anything his heart desired. his older sister being 11 years older than him, and his younger sister being born 8 years later than him made him the baby of the family for the longest time, so he was very used to being treated like a little prince, and having all eyes on him. since he was young, he easily picked up singing from his father, and found a deep interest in acting like his mother. he was made into a children's clothes model, and after primary school, was sent to a music and arts academy, to learn how to act. singing was mostly a hobby on the side, while he ended up being a teen actor after he auditioned for many different dramas and films. he finally broke the charts in his late-teens, and became a rising star of south korea in a hit drama that solidified his flower boy image, under keyeast entertainment.

after the big success and a few more films afterward, he started to look into singing as more than a hobby. his father was breaking through the charts again, and he found a renewed interest in the world of music because of it. plus his younger sister minah was a hardcore k-pop fangirl, which only further encouraged him to go into that route, thanks to his little sister complex. when his last movie finished running, he transferred from keyeast entertainment to dreamtea entertainment to start his new track on trying to become an idol. since then, minwoo worked on perfecting his singing ability, and learned to dance to choreography. he still wants to act on the side to being an idol, and kept modeling even as he trained.

likes — 
+ children :: they're just so squishy and adorable, even if they're brats! he has a huge soft spot for children.
+ sweets :: minwoo has a huge sweet tooth. his drinks are more like sugar water than anything, and he eats candy like it's nobody's business.
+ photography :: he loves taking selcas, group photos, photos of other people, s, and landscapes.
+ camping :: his family used to take trips into the mountains when he was young, because his father got inspiration from nature.
+ puzzles :: even if he's not incredibly intelligent, he loves to challenge his mind with puzzle games.
dislikes — 
+ cold food :: anything cold. cold water, cold ice cream, cold noodles.. nope. stick it into a microwave please.
+ dangling jewelry :: he doesn't mind fitted jewelry like studs or rubber bracelets, but anything that dangles just annoys him to death.
+ nuts :: he's allergic to most nuts. he'll get a really bad rash if he eats anything contaminated with nuts.
+ chores :: his family has a housemaid that comes in every other day to clean, so he's never had to do it himself, and doesn't plan to start.
+ cooking :: minwoo could find a way to burn water. no, really.
habits — 
+ when he's eating, he stuffs his face full of food. he is a fast eater because he hardly chews.
+ he sleep talks about anything and nothing in particular. he's loud enough so that it's annoying.
+ he bites and his lips randomly, but most often when he's amused about something.
+ when he starts laughing really hard, he doubles over and holds his stomach, and usually tears up.
trivia — 
+ he wants to be on hello baby really really badly.
+ he has a deep respect for anyone who admits to having plastic surgery, but absolutely no tolerance for those who deny it.
+ because he wasn't very close to his older sister, he has a horrible younger sister complex.
+ if he's asked for his ideal type, he will literally respond with 'jung jinyoung of b1a4, my boyfriend. isn't that obvious?'.
+ he likes to be drawn on, like fake tattoos or silly pen drawings. he will doodle on the back of his hand a lot with a pen.
+ he believes in love at first sight. 
+ his self-proclaimed ship with jinyoung is 'jinwoo'.
+ he prides himself on his perfect skin and thinks his face is his best feature, even if he's not the face of the group.
+ in the face of ghost stories, he becomes a total wuss, though he will pretend to be brave in front of s.
+ if you are under seven years old, you have more power convincing minwoo to do things than his manager.
family — 
+ father // kwon minseok // 59 // solo artist
+ mother // nam seojin // 58 // actress & model
+ older sister // kwon minhwa // 33 // digital artist
+ brother-in-law // im jaesuk // 29 // photographer
+ younger sister // kwon minah // 14 // student
best friends — 
+ lee sandeul // 22 // idol (b1a4)
+ lee hyunwoo // 21 // actor
friends — 
+ lee jinki (onew) // 24 // idol (shinee)
+ lee jieun // 21 // idol (iu)
+ park sojin // 28 // idol (girl's day)
rival —
+ choi junhong (zelo) // 17 // idol (b.a.p.) // he's his younger sister's ultimate bias, and therefore minwoo automatically thinks he's an . minwoo's just jealous another male has the affections of his precious younger sister minah.
love interest — jung jinyoung
group + age — b1a4 + 22
status — minwoo-proclaimed boyfriends (more like kidnapper and soon-to-be stockholm syndromed victim)
how they met —
basically it was at one of minwoo's pre-debut photoshoots and b1a4 happened to be the next ones being photographed after he was done modelling. the moment the two spoke to one another, minwoo suddenly professed his love for jinyoung and proceeded to give him a sloppy smacker on the lips (or well he tried to, and got sandeul thrown ontop of him which started their beautiful best friend broship thing) and claimed him as his boyfriend. turns out he was being totally serious, because he somehow got jinyoung to give him his number after following him around the entire shoot and making the other exasperated enough to hand it over to make him leave him alone. he's been contacting jinyoung ever since, and meeting up with the other whenever he can convince jinyoung to meet with him. usually by promising the other a day or two of no contact.
interactions —
it's a good question if you're wondering why the heck jinyoung hadn't just called the police on minwoo yet. in fact, he probably would've
 if minwoo wasn't already known in the entertainment industry as a model and actor, and thus couldn't be made out to be a random sasaeng fanboy. everytime they're around each other, the taller male is a lovestruck puppy and happily follows around jinyoung anywhere. whether it's to a dance practice or the bathroom, minwoo practically stalks the poor thing, and whines like a baby whenever jinyoung tells him off for being a pest. jinyoung himself, is completely confused by the incessant proclamations of love at him from the boy he had never met in his life before that fateful photoshoot. minwoo has no sense of boundaries or personal space, and is often clinging to a limb or hugging jinyoung from behind, grinning like a fool in love, because he is one, while jinyoung is groaning in frustration trying to understand what he had done to deserve this fate. his other members make fun of him constantly for having an extra shadow, and despite technically minwoo being the elder by a month, jinyoung feels like he's stuck trying to take away a toy from a toddler.

despite the confusion over minwoo's ridiculously sudden confession, minwoo's feelings are actually sincere. he is a firm believer in 'love at first sight', and has no qualms about making that known. it just so happened that jinyoung was that (unfortunate?) boy that minwoo laid his sights on. the tall male makes every effort to be with jinyoung and is constantly there to remind him that he loves him and that he thinks jinyoung is amazing and is the best person in existence. he is extremely affectionate, no matter how much jinyoung tries to get him off him, and is uncomfortably public about his desire to be with jinyoung.

in spite of being very forceful, minwoo is very responsive to jinyoung's feelings (besides the fact that jinyoung doesn't love him back yet that is). if he can tell that jinyoung isn't feeling well, he'll double his efforts to make him feel better or happy, and is always there to cheer him up. somehow he always has this way of quelling any anger from the other male, and calming him down when he's nervous. he has a knack for just saying the right thing to make jinyoung's heart melt a little and open itself up to the forceful, freakishly tall boy. he is serious about getting jinyoung to love him like he loves jinyoung, and is very honest to the other. he will send him constant texts asking how he is doing, and worries over his well being since the music industry is a tough break, no matter how rewarding. he can be very sweet, and is at his kindest when around jinyoung, as well as his cheesiest. the pick-up lines he drops on the other are practically gag-worthy, but he makes it funny enough so that it just gets jinyoung laughing at just how stupid he can be. perhaps if he hadn't come off so strong the two could've actually had a good relationship, because jinyoung actually finds the purest form of minwoo funny and friendly, and certainly boyfriend material.

however, jinyoung is stuck teetering between unable to stand minwoo and holding back from falling for the flower boy's charms. the sincerity and sweetness that minwoo can exhibit always catches him off-guard, and are only helping in opening his heart to the other male. he doesn't know how to feel, or what to want out of this weird relationship that had randomly started and threw his life into a loop. at times he feels flattered, and then frustrated, and then flabbergasted. minwoo makes so little logical sense, but at the same time when the other gets serious, it's undeniable that the forcefulness of his love is backed by real feelings. whatever minwoo has for jinyoung, it's not an act, or any kind of faking or pretend, so jinyoung really can't just let it go. for now, he's doing his best to keep minwoo off his tail, so that he can sort out the situation and hopefully find a resolution to his own feelings for the elder.
backup love interest — jang hyunseung (b2st)
stage name — sanshin :: the name of korean mountain gods. because of his ridiculous height, s say he looks like he's a mountain when they stand together, so it ended up that his stage name became a joke of this.
persona — do-it-my-way leader
position — leader, lead vocalist (main vocalist, face of the group)
fanclub name — yo-sanshins :: the name for female mountain gods, as well as a play on the word 'yo', as if trying to get his attention.
fanclub color — #b9e498
talking twin — lee jongsuk
singing twin — n (vixx)
comments — gah i went overboard with the love interest section again, but at least it's funny? or at least i thought so haha. i hope minwoo suits your concept though, i've always wanted to use jongsuk as a faceclaim lol.. his background is a little short because well.. his character didn't call for a lot of background information? i don't know, it seemed enough when i wrote it (which is odd, because i babble like its nobody's business if you couldn't tell by his personality haha). if i need to add more, please go ahead and tell me. thank you for considering minwoo!
suggestions —
+ song suggestions :: colorful by shinee, what's happening by b1a4, where are you what are you doing by b.a.p., run by exo-k, man in love by infinite, gr8u by vixx.
+ show suggestions :: hello baby, sesame player, bungee jumping bonding, flower boy camp (their own kind of webisode series), flower boy ranking king (like the infinite series).
scene requests — 
+ kidnapping :: b1a4 finally gets sick of their leader's confusion over his feelings over minwoo and avoiding him like the plague, so they help kidnap jinyoung and shuck him into a date with minwoo, who is plenty more excited about this than jinyoung, the victim. the two share some time together with minwoo being minwoo and jinyoung resisting falling for the tall kid's charms. 
+ haunted house bonding :: because of minwoo's fear of ghosts and ghost stories, when they're made have a haunted house bonding, he literally pales, but tries to put up a strong front, particularly if any of his younger members are scared. he ends up nearly passing out when he meets the first 'ghost' actress and attaches himself to a younger member for the rest of the filming.
password — yes i did :3


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