EXO : The Rant, (ft SM) [RE-BLOG from MasterTrollDSama]

bold = complete

italics = in the process of being complete

Where to begin? This blog is going to be a monster of a blog. Contents table will do.

1) Kris leaving.

2) Korea vs China (well, China hates SM)

3) EXO the puppets

4) Terrible rumours

5) Anti-fans

6) Baekhyun dating.

7) New member?

8) EXO's lost fans.




So Kris decided one day a long time ago that he had had enough of SM and wanted to leave, found a company in China to help him out secretly and successfully applied to nullify his contract with SM in the middle of Overdose promotions, which perhaps is unfortunate because perhaps he originally wanted to leave after Overdose promotions but then the Sewol incident occured (RIP to all that have passed away), pushing Overdose forward. I guess that was perhaps an unintentional clash, but a clash either way.

Okay, so my own personal initial reaction was to be completely upset. Kris was my bias and I loved him and "stan"'d him the most, collecting stupid amount of images. I literally was at breaking point and got into a mini depressive state, wondering what went wrong. But then I saw Tao's post, Chanyeol's post, Sehun's post, Suho's words- it seemed not one of them had any idea Kris wanted to leave. It was then I was a little more suspicious about the whole ordeal- why, when, who- what went wrong, everything. It was then that I decided perhaps Kris was in the wrong. Most fans first complained a long time ago that SM treated EXO like Gods and all other SM artists like . The same people are saying SM treated EXO like . So for Kris to want to leave, let's think of reasons.

1) He's treated like .

2) He has little opportunities

3) Not happy (etc etc etc)

Even if he wasn't happy, or whatever, it still doesn't really add up. Luhan had a chance to act eventually- like all other groups in SM, each member would have grown in their own ways other than in EXO. Each EXO member's priority at the moment is to ensure their group stays afloat and doesn't sink down to the ground. Growl was a break through, Overdose was/is essential to prove EXO are still awesome and weren't a one-hit wonder. So for Kris to leave, it's going to sent a bit of water into the metaphorical EXO ship and give it a great load of uncertainty. Tensions between the members clearly grew- Lay walked alone, Tao cried, Suho looked like he was at breaking point- yet regardless of all this happening, EXO got their together and did their concerts with success.

So, EXO worked harder. What about the fans? There was a clear rip between the two kinds- the Kris stans/SM haters and the EXO-stans/SM lovers. It's caused fans to leave and hate EXO and SM, adding more water to the boat, water EXO cannot push out because each fan has their own mind.

Now, I know it seems SM is a terrible, nasty company who have made terrible mistakes in the past, but is no one here compassionate? No way are all of you guys angry people who think people never learn and change. SM is not one person. SM is a lot of people- it's literally a huge family under the spotlight, heavily criticised by millions, rumours spreading like hayfire about them, causing them all to speak out only to be taunted at, accused of being fake and untrue. If SM release statements, everyone shuns it anyway because lots of younger people are still too immature in thinking SM is simply evil.

Younger people, how do businesses work? Instead of explaining it, simply look at this. Just by scrolling down, you'll see all the crazy amount of things that need to be done for a small talent agency.

Now think of SM with artists, managers, choreographers, make-up artists, hair stylists, wardrobe stylists, stage-making, lighting people, vocal trainers, musical director, MV director, video recorders, editors, finance managers, executive producers, receptionists, first aid managers, dorm assistants, cleaners, dancers, trainees, teachers, translators, business men, CEO, assistant managers, equipment managers, running studios- microphones, speakers, floor/mirror maintanence, distributors, advertisers, schedulers, accountants, bodyguards, drivers, caters, heating and electricity costs... the list goes on man. The artists are one small part of SM. The people in the background who have made SM what it is today perhaps and arguably work so much harder and you younger people hate them and disregard them, thinking of SM as one person.

Kris left. Thinking logically, there are perhaps thousands of people employed by SM and Kris is one person. I feel sorry for his personal manager, financer, stylist etc. If SM were such an evil place, no one would dare to stay there. Kris made his own decision for himself, not for you guys, the fans, but solely for himself. EXO and everyone in SM works to please you, the fans, because without you, SM and EXO would be NOTHING. Think about it next time before you judge SM completely. SM is not one person.

2) Korea(SM) vs China

We all know it. China isn't particularily fond of SM, or Korea for that matter. Fair enough they like the artists, but when the subject of SM is brought up, artists are asked how they endured the terrible hardships of SM and living in Korea. Yes it is a valid point, but then again the people who left China and stayed in Korea, in SM, chose to. They could have left like countless SM trainees have- biggest example? G-Dragon. But they did not, they endured, they waited, not knowing when they were going to debut, but those who have are pleasantly successful.

What's my point? After Kris left, SM's reputation has again gone down in China. This means it may be hard for EXO M to comeback in China successfully next time. This means EXO M's state is vulnerable, leaving fans worried about what on Earth will happen to them, and other groups like SJM. SJM survived, but many people still doubt EXO M. Personally, I think they should be fine.

I've forgot what I was going to say, so I'll move on...


My God. This subject leaves me pulling out my hair in frustration so I'll try and keep cool and neutral. Firstly, I'd like to begin to say SM artists are not puppets. They are not toys. They are humans with human feelings, like saddness, anger, happiness, fear, confusion, shock- yes, EXO can show emotion. Shall I give an example? The pre-recording of Happy Camp- EXO cried. Oh ho ho. A fan heard Tao crying. Noooo, they have feelings!? I would have never guessed. It's not Vampire Diaries where SM can force EXO to suppress their emotions.


Okay I'm going to post this unfinished and post more to finish it. My mind has already fled elsewhere.





I AM SO FRUSTRATED WITH some EXOtics. most of you are cool, but there are some that are driving me NUTS. I need to vent otherwise I'll lose my mind.





Well this post was taken from MasterTrollSama . Don't you think this post are really really make sense ? I do ~ Herm I guess I just like the author do. Hiks read and heal


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I agree with it, but I think maybe they didn't understand the 'EXO are puppets' part.

It didn't mean that the EXO boys have no emotions or are robotic because we all know that is 100% not true whatsoever. What they were saying was that they are being moved around by SM and doing things that they may not want, or not being allowed to do things that they do. (Every company does this to some extent, lets be real).

Just saying~

I hope this post finishes soon, I'd love to read the rest. :)
I totally agree with this