maids & butlers — extra information


character's nameself explanatory

love interest: it can be from the list of applicants that have been selected as well! ^ w ^ if not, format is: name | group
leave blank if you selected a maid/butler
backup love interestsame as love interest!
birthdate+age: same as above!

personality traits: leave it blank if you selected a maid/butler
( + ) ...
( – ) ...
how they act around each other: ...

relationship status: acquaintances? close/best friends? dating even? leave blank if you picked a maid/butler!
best friend in the hyejunghyehyunrimi train:  ...

?: yes/no/a little. i'm rather particular about this because i might not know if your character doesn't want to have any lovey dovey scenes or not >//<

fashion sense: (2-4 links will do! delete words in brackets too. casual= outings)
casual: ...
sleeping: ...
swimming: ...


if you have any questions, feel free to pm me or comment on the story c: 


                                                                                                                        →  go back to maids & butlers


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All I ever do is write buttloads. I'm sorry ;_;
ikebana #4
yay done!
i present you the shy-yet-willing couple * ^ * / \
